Saturday, November 14, 2015

Insanity Of Normality

Once Said:

“It is no measure of health to be...well adjusted to a profoundly sick society” Jiddu Krishnamurti philosophy.
I ask then, what truly normal be?
The opposite of mainstream programming.
The opposite of zombie consciousness-sleepy rest!

I AM currently somewhere in the middle, somewhere in between.
Aware of things never before noticed...never before seen.

Insanity unfolds before me-masked as normality!
Jaw dropping, the obliviousness of it all!

I shake my head in disbelief!   
Even now at times wanting to craw into bed and die!

Normal is to spy
Normal is to lie
Normal is to steal
Not normal to feel

Normal is to gossip
Normal is to kill
Normal is to be fake

Not normal to be real

If you want to fit in-put on a fake grin.
I often smile at the madness to not go insane again!

Shake it off, meditate and go about my day.

Awareness comes with a price-one I am willing to pay.
For it is ultimately a small fee to be free-to be me.

Walking among the walking dead has benefits...the constant needed reminder of my own past helps keep me in check!

The motivation to keep moving forward!
Appreciating my own past insanity and the sanity it has brought me.
Lessons learned in this duality.

Normal and insane are the same to a certain degree.

Fear based programs dominate currently-fear be the cause of the insanity of normality!

Perhaps one cannot exist without the other and are necessary.
Opposites of the same life expression in the duality game.

Normality summed up simply is dishonesty in action-mob rule mentality-ignorance is bliss illusion of satisfaction!

All in an attempt to deny and avoid owning our thoughts and actions.
Currently it is obvious to see the results on society of the normality chain reaction!

"("Walt Disney" "Media sorcery")"

Normality is a spell in which we must choose to break free. begins with awakening!
Questioning ones programming.
Looking with(i)n.          
The bravery of self acceptance.
Facing ones addiction...of the desire to fit in!

War is not normal, we choose it to be.
Gossip is not normal, we choose it to be.
Addiction is not normal, we choose it to be.

Theft is not normal, we choose it to be.
Lying is not normal, we choose it to be.
Killing is not normal, we choose it to be.

Psychological warfare is not normal, we choose it to be.
Millions dying of starvation is not normal, we choose it to be.
Backstabbing is not normal, we choose it to be.

Fake is not normal, we choose it to be.
Abuse of power is not normal, we choose it to be.
Ignorance is not normal, we choose it to be.                   

If normal is a choice, perhaps it is time to choose a new based in honesty...

If the current paradigm of normal be insanity, then abnormal I choose to be!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


 You are so good to me...



Some times not certain how to accept and enjoy your beauty!

It has always been this way, but for a very long time in negativity I chose to stay!

You have always been by my side, the architect of this-eternal abyss ride!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Coping Mechanism

My coping to forgive em!
Negative past memories, not re-live em.

Stay in the moment...own it!

Fight disappointment with awareness and share this.

Put down the fist and slow down the loose lips.
In the mind take trips.

Appreciate dreams...and all the little mysteries that go unseen.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Media

The media…stuck on repeat!

The media…a pattern of defeat!

The media…bringing me down!

The media…ignorance all around!

The media…makes me sick!
The media…can suck my dick!

The media, Psychologist in action!

The media…promotes fear, ignorance and selfish excess satisfaction!

The media…could they get any greedia?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Seeking To Know

 All loving nebulous Universe...


...Teach me how to remember the infinite possibilities and powers of my mind.
Creativity, love, and wisdom I seek to find.

How do I master the art behind...what it means to be kind?

I pry open my third eye, heart open wide...vulnerable! to receive, what appears to be...miracles.

...Pursuing to know and make friends with ego.

Embracing my soul...ready to let go!