Digital-“Glory Hole”- surprise
The computer is much nicer than you
It’s been programmed that way
With our computers we will stay
Digitally speaking...I am, dreaming of dreaming...
01 0101 0101010 101010101010101 01010101010101 010101 01
Fear based binary programing limits the data stream
Now we think in Fibonacci
Through digital screens we live...vicariousity
In virtual worlds we cruise around in-fake mazaradies
Feels real, much cheaper than the real-deal
Better for the environment anyway
So we remain...
Digitalised-Digital eyes
Viewing the world through the lens of artificial intelligent-digital third eye
Guest appearances on the "real world" with that...
Hard to deal with guy
Hard to deal with guy
Hard to deal with guy
Digitally insane like-Jim Carrey in the Cable Guy!
After we find a Pokemon-we will eat
Digital fries
Digital fries
Digital fries
At Kentucky Fried-Chicken, digitally finger-lickin
Genetically and synthetically modified-so now we have become-digitally sicken
Time to overcome the daily humdrum of the-digital media kitchen
On the internet jerking off to fear porn I real eyes
We have become like Pavlov’s dogs
Looking at my phone I begin to-salivate!
Looking at my phone-I begin to-mental masturbate!
The other day I killed a man playing Pokemon "Go"- driving on Capital Drive!
When I hit him it finally hit me...
On our ignorance how they-capitalies-capital eyes-capitalize!
Increasingly desensiteyesed!
MK Ultra in my rear view mirror making things clearer!
So now I...
Press the reset button on my left ear drum
Reboot my soul
Smash the television remote control
Into nature we go...
Transmuting digital!