The Truth About Alcohol: Etymology & Symbolism
Have been detoxing intensely for the last couple of years now and can speak from personal experience to some of the truths presented in this video. This info can be a hard pill to swallow but once this truth is digested has a very powerful positive effect on ones life. As always, do your research and proceed with a certain level of caution, do not rush results.
Also, when I was a hardcore drinker years ago there were times when my friends were convinced it was not me acting in the manner I was. They used the word “possessed” to describe what they witnessed. Took a while to put the pieces of that puzzle together but in time I came to realize “I allowed” HARMFUL DARK ENTITIES to influence me through excessive consumption! The aura field gets damaged over time from “over indulgence” and all kinds of influential astral beings can easily penetrate the mind and body. One particular event that blew my mind when I first started to get clean was a being that resembled the Harry Potter type of floating entity known as a Dementor who came to me as I was asleep. The being started to choke me but I was able to wake up in the middle of it. When I snapped out of the dream my neck was a red-ish color and hurt just like it would if someone had choked me in the “so-called” real world! I now understand this was the entities last chance to harm me as it knew I was awakening and could no longer influence me. Was a very scary surreal experience among many others I would have in the beginning of my journey to breaking the dependence on booze.
Also, when I was a hardcore drinker years ago there were times when my friends were convinced it was not me acting in the manner I was. They used the word “possessed” to describe what they witnessed. Took a while to put the pieces of that puzzle together but in time I came to realize “I allowed” HARMFUL DARK ENTITIES to influence me through excessive consumption! The aura field gets damaged over time from “over indulgence” and all kinds of influential astral beings can easily penetrate the mind and body. One particular event that blew my mind when I first started to get clean was a being that resembled the Harry Potter type of floating entity known as a Dementor who came to me as I was asleep. The being started to choke me but I was able to wake up in the middle of it. When I snapped out of the dream my neck was a red-ish color and hurt just like it would if someone had choked me in the “so-called” real world! I now understand this was the entities last chance to harm me as it knew I was awakening and could no longer influence me. Was a very scary surreal experience among many others I would have in the beginning of my journey to breaking the dependence on booze.
If you are not convinced a zombie like sate of consciousness and continuous conflict are what the forces who manipulate this planet want check the billboard, pay attention to all the subconscious symbols and advertisement on the radio, TV and signs in your environment. Drives me nuts at times! Particularly when I am driving on the highway and see giant digital hard liquor ads. Many driving casualties and deaths from booze yet even when we drive they seek to penetrate our subconscious. We already know without a doubt the disastrous effects of this substance yet we still allow advertisements for it. Particularly in events children are witnessing. The Budweiser Superbowl ads are a great example of this. Millions of children watching, being entertained and programed to become future consumers of this product. Future addicts, future prisoners of the addiction industry.
Ask yourself, why would an industry who knows the horrific effect their product is having on the public have to stoop to this level to sell it?
Check the comments in the video to see the level of MIND CONTROL people are under.
Check the comments in the video to see the level of MIND CONTROL people are under.
HBO Documentary Alcoholism among Americans
Alex Grey and the Mind Parasites
There is a THIN LINE between entertainment and war! We have acknowledged the dangers of cigarettes and limited advertising to children, particularly cartoon character like advertisements yet still allow the same type of advertising for sugar. Next time your in the cereal isle notice the packaging. Captain Crunch is a great example of this. Alcohol is much worst yet we still allow our children to be influenced through these mentally invasive, subconscious penetrating slick advertisements. “Why” do we still “allow” this knowing the dangers as a society? Profit and control TRUMP wisdom and Morals. Effects of the “hijacking” of consciousness.
THIN LINE between entertainment and war!
To Advertise some get disguised!
On the flip side, there is a lot of knowledge to be gained by going through this vicious cycle if you are fortunate to make it out of the trap alive! I do not recommend taking it to this level but for some of us who are "resistant to change" and personal growth THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW. I am a very fortunate person to have done this and now wish to share my experience and thoughts on such topics.
Tragic Comedy
Alcohol is a very seductive substance that alters cognitive functions among many other harmful things. Plenty of literature on line for those so inclined. In the beginning it is fun and euphoric, then like many addictive things becomes a "downward spiral of self pity and regrets." I write this not to preach or tell people what to do but to share my experiences for those interested in such knowings. Telling people what to do does not work! This is more for those already on this path of self destruction who may read this and decide to put the brakes on, slow down and re-think what they are doing. I solute anyone who is able to control their drinking habit but have hardly met anyone who truly can. Continuous excessive drinking is a lot like opening the HELLRAISER box and you never know what is going to come through! I did a lot of damage to my mind and body during those times and it has taken a good ten plus years to rejuvenate myself. It can be done so NEVER LOSE HOPE!
What's your pleasure???
Finally, for those interested in making a positive change on earth. By consuming alcohol products you are supporting a extremely corrupt industry. Not giving these people your money is one of the best ways to stop it. WILL also inspire others to stop as well. We do “have the power” to CHOOSE what we put in our bodies. Choose wisely! “Spiritual warfare” IS REAL, the war on consciousness is the most profound war being waged. This substance is one of the biggest tools aside from psychological television/smart phone programming being used to keep us in bondage through ADDICTION and addiction is ultimately slavery!
What this boils down to is ENERGY CONTROL. You give them your time, money/ENERGY and they provide you with products that deplete and steal your energy so WE are more easily controllable! If you seek to have more money, time, energy and control over your life, thoughts and emotions, better relationships and the things that matter most the decision will be easy. The path in the beginning will be difficult but well worth the effort.
Poem I wrote during those times:
Planet Misery
I imagine my depression and addiction as the most violent well known and unpredictably predictable planet.
Landscapes of loneliness and madness, confusion and sadness.
Where everything is a mess!
I am not the only one here. I am often swimming and indulging in oceans of tequila, wine, and beer.
Crouched in a dark corner surrounded by paranoia, drama and fear.
Atmosphere so dry I cannot shed a tear.
This is the land anyone can get near.
Oh look, there goes Champagne fountain, next stop, Cocaine Mountain!
Maybe this place isn’t so bad, when indulging I am glad.
Now I am on the opiate carnival roller coaster ride.
Up-down-up-down-around and around-frown-frown-frown.
Sad faced clown!
This planet seems so great.
So why am I filled with such anger and hate?
Racing thoughts and a never-ending self destructive mind debate.
In this world, life has little value.
In this universe life is a curse!
Frequent lunatic like outburst!
There is a car familiar to our kind…it’s called a Hurst!
We play a game called who’s gonna die first!
Another one we call, speed-ball.
The best and most dangerous of them all!
This game last twenty minutes at a time, everything is legal, nothings a crime.
You won’t even have to pay a fine.
Just give up your life energy.
There is more than enough to go around, for you, for me.
Welcome to planet misery!!!
The land of pseudo ecstasy.
There are no placebos here.
No wheel to steer.
Just grinding gears!
Landscapes of loneliness and madness, confusion and sadness.
Where everything is a mess!
I am not the only one here. I am often swimming and indulging in oceans of tequila, wine, and beer.
Crouched in a dark corner surrounded by paranoia, drama and fear.
Atmosphere so dry I cannot shed a tear.
This is the land anyone can get near.
Oh look, there goes Champagne fountain, next stop, Cocaine Mountain!
Maybe this place isn’t so bad, when indulging I am glad.
Now I am on the opiate carnival roller coaster ride.
Up-down-up-down-around and around-frown-frown-frown.
Sad faced clown!
This planet seems so great.
So why am I filled with such anger and hate?
Racing thoughts and a never-ending self destructive mind debate.
In this world, life has little value.
In this universe life is a curse!
Frequent lunatic like outburst!
There is a car familiar to our kind…it’s called a Hurst!
We play a game called who’s gonna die first!
Another one we call, speed-ball.
The best and most dangerous of them all!
This game last twenty minutes at a time, everything is legal, nothings a crime.
You won’t even have to pay a fine.
Just give up your life energy.
There is more than enough to go around, for you, for me.
Welcome to planet misery!!!
The land of pseudo ecstasy.
There are no placebos here.
No wheel to steer.
Just grinding gears!