The original meaning of REGULATE in this country was to "make regular" to encourage the growth of, not control or stifle or inhibit.
The 9th Amendment guarantees the retention of all non-enumerated rights.
One of those rights is The right to "heal oneself" with medication.
We have the NATURAL right to access of medication.
The 9th Amendment guarantees the retention of all non-enumerated rights.
One of those rights is The right to "heal oneself" with medication.
We have the NATURAL right to access of medication.
I still find it MIND BLOWING we cannot get something this simple correct in a so-called FREE COUNTRY! Yet, we somehow have the wisdom to know what is best for other countries!
This program appears to be a "legal way" to get around the "DEMONization of NATURE" LAWS if you live in a state CON"trolled" by folks with a REEFER MADNESS Jeff Sessions mentality!