Thursday, May 25, 2017

Cannabis Program LEGAL Loophole

    The original meaning of REGULATE in this country was to "make regular" to encourage the growth of, not control or stifle or inhibit.

The 9th Amendment guarantees the retention of all non-enumerated rights.

One of those rights is The right to "heal oneself" with medication.

We have the NATURAL right to access of medication.


 I still find it MIND BLOWING we cannot get something this simple correct in a so-called FREE COUNTRY! Yet, we somehow have the wisdom to know what is best for other countries! 

This program appears to be a "legal way" to get around the "DEMONization of NATURE" LAWS if you live in a state CON"trolled" by folks with a REEFER MADNESS Jeff Sessions mentality!


The Ninth Amendment Explained: The Constitution for Dummies Series


Thursday, May 11, 2017



Starting to fully understand the meaning behind the statement: For with much knowledge comes much sorrow, the more knowledge, the more grief.

Have grieved much this past year, for the deeper down the rabbit hole one goes, the more the heart is ripped apart! Certain truths about our reality are very heartbreaking! I understand why so many people CHOOSE not to look into these topics and prefer to live in a bubble of IGNORance. I have made myself physically sick at times looking into these things, particularly when PIZZA GATE hit!

My mind still does not want to believe in the facts presented however I know that’s just DENIAL and denial leads to some of the highest forms of suffering. Also discovering, expecting people to wake up who do not want to wake up is as foolish as expecting a hardcore addict to get clean who does not want to get clean! Expectations of others is a form of PLANNED RESENTMENT and resentment is energetically draining. Persistent resentment kills!

On the flipside, the more you know about how the manipulation works the less effected by it you can become. The same tools that are used against us are the same tools that WILL help one become more free. It is ALL an ENERGETIC GAME, “choose” where you give your ATTENTION and ENERGY WISELY.

It's so obvious now, hidden in plain site!
For those familiar with this type of knowledge I know you will understand what is in this picture. Walked past this building recently and got shivers throughout my body. Zoom in on the pyramid.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Humble Me Bumblebee

Humble me bumblebee.
I watch you dance gloriously among the dragonflies and trees.

Mother Nature at its best.
When I need a soulful rest.

Humble me bumblebee.
Help me release these...negative energies.
Remind me of how precious life can BEE.
ALL forms of life are precious to me.

Fly near me just because.
I love the sound of your ZZZZZZ and your BUZZZZZZ.

Humble me to see the beauty in everything!

Just please, no matter what...

Don’t sting!

Bumblebees in 4K Ultra HD Slow Motion - Amazing !!