At the moment of physical birth the “illusion” of death begins...
The body, the vessel, the vehicle for spirit in a constant state of de- and re-generation, persistent fluctuation/vibration.
The community of cells within you and me seeking to live in harmony so we may be more free and healthy.
Moving toward equanimity in this full spectrum duality. The power of Free Will Choice used wisely determines who we become.
The Light - The Dark - The Good - The Bad, The Pleasure and The Pain ARE ONE IN THE SAME. On opposites ends of the spectrum to explore in this life game.
The struggle within takes many shapes and forms.
When the last breathe leaves we are joyous and grieve...for the spirit, that was within.
She was a sweet soul who did her best with what she had. Stubborn as can be while within this “parenthesis” in Eternity! She loved unconditionally! Laughed loudly, Lived kindly!
What more could we have asked for?
Now, free from physical bondage and earthly limitations - returning back to THE SOURCE ENERGY of ALL Creations!
Honoring her means to honor ourselves.
Keeping our mind and temple clean, living in heart, pursuing Happiness, Justice, Mercy, Forgiveness and our Dreams.
Before our vessel retires.
What the spirit within desires...
You were loved so much and will be missed