Monday, May 7, 2018


For those still under the Oprah Spell that may be getting offended that I created a collection called “Maybe Oprah Will Do A Show On It” , let me explain a bit.

First, I am not an Oprah hater. She has done some great things and for that I solute her. Am just a bit at odds with celebrity gods using their power of influence to mislead the public while making tons of cash in the process. 

I was recently out and came across a Oprah magazine and decided to look through it to see if much has changed and it appears to have gotten worst! As you can see from the pictures Oprah is actually taking money and essentially profiting from p"h"armaceutical pimps like AztraZeneca! The same company responsible for many people (including myself) of becoming a type II diabetic while remaining jail free as the product continues to sell. They just paid out a “very small” settlement. Check the links below for more on that. 

Suppose the question we should be asking is, why is Oprah (who claims to care about humanity) not only promoting for these types of companies by putting them in her work, but profiting from them as well? How can someone who projects herself to the world as a highly aware “caring” sentient being “not know” about the damage this industry has and is currently causing? Suppose the ultimate question knowing what we know now is, can she be trusted? 

If she is aware of the actions by companies like AztraZeneca then I lean more toward not trusting the information she is putting out. Considering the lawsuits against Aztrazeneca is of public knowledge and can easily be accessed. A highly evolved consciously aware being “claiming to care” would surely do their homework on any company they are taking money from and promoting. I highly doubt she needs the money that bad as to do business with known psychopaths! 

Even if she is presenting some useful information, is she worth pursuing for that information when we can find it ourselves without being bombarded by the types of ignorant, dangerous and misleading advertisements in her publications?

I call WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING! No “Truly” aware caring sentient being would be involved in any way shape or form with known corporate psychopaths unless they are trying to heal them! Those under the Oprah Spell will despise these words but that is a normal reaction when presented with information that contradicts what one believes to be true. Cognitive dissonance can be very painful but worth re-thinking the data to make a more informed and healthy decision. I break my own heart at least once a month doing it. Much to be un-learned when de-programming. 

The best thing she can do at this point is “issue a public apology” for her actions and “remove all advertisements” that do not align with what she is claiming to be, only “if” she truly cares. Best thing we can do is withdraw energetically from her work and seek the sources of valued materials/data to implement into our life and support them directly.

Absolutely Oprah!

Just a few side effects

(Trust The FDA...Sleep!)

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Crazy Is As Crazy Does...

Some say I’m a conspiracy theorist, and don’t want to hear this!
2 programmed to see...the illusions set forth in front of thee!

Hypnotized by the TV...and pseudo bliss - terrorist mainstream philosophy!

IT’S NOT OUR FAULT...they got us early!
By the time you were six your mind was fixed!
The mental version of turning tricks!

We didn't know any better, conditioned for competition, comparison, ego mentality by any means necessary - to over achieve in society!

The need for more, to feel better!

To externalize instead of, look inside!
Victim mentality bringing one to knees!
...Then they want to give you pills and call us crazy!

...Well...your not!

...CRAZY to me is the prohibition of pot!
...CRAZY to me is locking up those most in need!
...CRAZY to me are strokes of the pen that legalize false wars!
...CRAZY to me is megalomaniac corporate greed!
...CRAZY to me is the propaganda machine to promote seeds with suicide genes!
...CRAZY to me is doing what your told without question!
...CRAZY to not living free!
...CRAZY is as crazy does, but will you act crazy when push comes to shove?

Or, will you humble yourself and seek peace from within?
This is Truly where the Real journey of love change begins!