Wanted to express some thoughts and feelings on a topic hardly anyone wants to address yet is vital at the moment. Mental illness and the healthcare industry. There is still a whole lot of ignorance surrounding this issue I would like to shine a little light on because if we don’t start a real public dialog on this now in a attempt to prevent harmful future effects, the next generation will pay dearly!
I know this topic makes most people uncomfortable but if we want real change “like many claim” we have to get over that feeling.
As you read this paper pay attention to the language and see if you can recognize who the language and definitions benefit most. Once you figure that out it will be easy to see through the corruption. Have included some statements below as an example. However, to fully realize is to have looked into the topic of healthcare from many perspectives, research and experience.
- Language and definitions limit understanding however are necessary to have some understanding/expression.
- Insurance companies that do not include natural organic options for treatment will always fail!
- Interpretation of law in a language designed to entrap/enslave will continue to delay human evolution.
They can’t even fully agree on what a mental illness is and exactly how to treat it. "Not very scientific" yet the DSM is used as a tool to attempt a accurate description. For those who have not figured it out yet, the DSM exist primarily to justify the legal use of scientifically created synthetic psychiatric medications that mainly destroys life verses enhancing it. To supposedly treat symptoms instead of getting at the heart of the problem to heal.
Mental Illness—As Defined by the States
Although the ACA requires that all insurance plans within its
scope provide coverage for mental-health treatments, it does not
specifically define “mental illness.”130 States have defined mental
illness in several different ways due to the lack of direction from the
federal government.131 For example, Arkansas defines “mental
122. Id.
123. Id. at 267.
124. HHS Rules, supra note 116, at 68,267.
125. See id. at 68,242.
126. Chamberlin, supra note 113, at 267.
127. Id.
128. Id.
129. Id.
130. See id. at 260.
131. Id.
286 Michigan State Law Review 2016
illness” as all mental illnesses and disorders that are listed in the
International Classification of Diseases Manual (ICD)132 and the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).133 On
the other hand, Iowa law mandates insurance coverage for only
“biologically based mental illness,”134 which includes a list of the
following: schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, major depressive
disorders, schizo-affective disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
pervasive developmental disorders, and autistic disorders.135
However, Iowa law excludes mental disorders such as anorexia.136
Finally, Maryland does not specifically define “mental illness,” but
provides that insurance benefits are required “only for expenses
arising from the treatment of mental illnesses, emotional disorders,
drug abuse, or alcohol abuse” if a health care provider deems the
illness or disorder as treatable and the treatment is “medically
necessary.”137 Since states define mental illness in different ways, the
availability of mental-health benefits may depend on where an
individual resides.13
Medical Necessity
The HHS rules interpreting the ACA vaguely
define “medical necessity” as “[h]ealth care services or supplies
needed to prevent, diagnose or treat an illness, injury, disease or its
symptoms and that meets “ACCEPTED STANDARDS OF MEDICINE.”161
As a result, the determinations of
which treatments constitute a “medical necessity” are made by
insurers and not by physicians.
How an insurer defines medical
necessity can have a large impact on what treatments an individual
can afford.177 Due to the high costs of medical care for both physical
and mental disorders, whether an individual receives treatment that is
deemed necessary by a physician is heavily influenced by the
availability of insurance coverage.178
The term “medical necessity” is defined in various ways by
states, physicians, and insurance companies.188 As a result, courts,
physicians, and insurance companies may disagree as to what
treatments constitute a “medical necessity,” which leads to claim
denials and even expensive litigation.189 Without more guidance from
the HHS, this disparate treatment will likely continue at the expense
of mental-health-treatment access.
Insurance primarily covers harmful synthetics, dangerous hospital/doctor care and surgeries. The relationship between insurance, doctors, government and pharmaceutical companies is not only harming, but also severely limiting humanity!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news for those of you just discovering how sick and corrupt modern medicine has become, however the established and “ACCEPTED STANDARDS OF MEDICINE.” are murdering millions of people world wide every year with little incentive to stop because the laws have been set up to mostly protect the corruption. In all fairness, some of these standards are a service to humanity but the current imbalance is "well beyond Aushwitz" at this point! On the other hand, most diseases and health issues are preventable with a proper high density nutritious diet along with vitamin, essential fatty acids and mineral supplementation. Since we have mostly been mislead by the corrupt FDA and other corporate members of the criminally insane, it is easy to see how many of us fell into this trap and are now paying dearly for it.
"Willful ignorance" on the part of the general public also contributes to this crisis. Far too many people still even refuse to look at data that would assist them in increasing overall health. Does not help any of us as well that our food, water, air and soil has been purposefully tainted! Not to mention the psychological warfare campaign being waged against us and vaccines. Furthermore, since most people cannot afford treatment other than what is offered by insurance, they are limited to those limited options. It will be the same old deadly song and dance until there is a balance between natural and synthetic options available through insurance. Or, until people figure out they don’t even need insurance if they take proper care of themselves. Perhaps when enough people cancel their insurance and use that money to buy the right food and nutrients while having a physical routine and spiritual practice, these companies and governments will take notice and make the required changes.
One thing I have noticed during my ongoing research on these topics is the lack of attention given to the correlation between nutrient deficiencies and mental health. For a quick example check the link below. Specifically notice the limited treatment options and summary. Not a single mention of nutrition or homeopathic remedies. It makes sense though if you understand that the base claim science is making is that mental illness is a result of a chemical imbalance requiring synthetics to correct or at least minimize that imbalance. So nutrition is not on the table of discussion as a possibility for treatment, merely a secondary option. These folks are suppose to be helping the mentally ill, not promoting treatments that cause harm like synthetics. But hey, those are “ACCEPTED STANDARDS OF MEDICINE.” so they must be safe!
The Health Scare industry is a "protected" self policing monopoly! Essentially a LEGAL gang and gang members look out for one another! Far worst than any street gang, organized crime syndicate or even madmen like Hitler!
But hey, its all legal! Public Enemy #1
Medical Perspective with Dr. Glidden - We Need A Free Medical Market
The criminally insane have no respect for facts, reason, logic, law, evidence or anything else of value unless they can use it to benefit themselves. Always keep that in mind when attempting to understand why they continue on with the same behavior. THEY JUST CAN'T HELP IT AT THIS POINT!