I know this doctor, he’s so pathetic!
Claims John Of God...yet, pimps synthetics!
He reminds me of the Vatican!
Shinny and polished on the outside...
Slithering internally sad again!
Got an Obama medical award on his wall!
With a staff faker than Oprah!
More synthetic than the synthetics they sell!
With a spiritual practice that taste worst than rotten overcooked okra!
He likes to give out chocolate as he welcomes you...
A magic trick to subdue!
“How have you been feeling?” He asks, not so well that’s why I am here dumb ass!
Is what I always wanted to say but I trusted and kind of liked the guy regardless anyway.
As the years passed not a mention of any holistic remedies.
Even had the nerve to nocebo effect me stating I would never reverse Diabetes!
Insulin for life was his mantra...
Insulin free now bitch - your medical standards are outdated like NES and Contra!
How does it feel, to know, your lower than the lowest...of low?
You can’t know because your under FDA Mind Control!
You go to places that the devil wouldn’t even go!
Your better off on the streets selling blow!
Either way, in the end, you will still have nothing to show!
At your funeral I will wear a clown nose!
In your casket leave a reverse black rose!
Take a selfie of you and I, in black and white - wide angle fish lens effect pose!
For later use!
Piss on your grave every full moon!
Write poems about you that will transcend the after life and every life to follow!
Your children’s children's grand children will even laugh at you!
Change their last name to blend in with the public!
Ashamed of what you became and that you even bought banana republic!
Whenever I brought up natural remedies you changed the subject!
Didn’t even read any of the books or watched any of the DVD’s I gave you!
That’s too bad cause they, could have saved you!
Now, boiling in your own self created - flouridated genetically modified synthetic processed beef stew!
With a, dash of repent, sprinkle of resent, splash of tragic arrogance too big for your own mouth to swallow!
Choking on regret, now...you know what follows!