As you may know google in its infinite wisdom and care has decided to no longer offer google plus services! This is my last post in the blog section and have moved to Will be posting updated information and new poetry on Minds from now on. I will still continue posting some stuff on google plus until it ends but if you want the full spectrum you can find me on Minds.
Hopefully it is becoming more clear to people that google is run by immoral criminally insane psychopaths who do not have the publics best intention at heart! THEY will have to face the consequences of the “Cause” of their own harmful “Effects” soon enough due to the refusal to learn, grow and change. Many are experiencing this at the moment but for those who willingly choose to live in IGNORance it will be much worst! It is not a punishment, simply a learning loop many still refuse to acknowledge. Recognize the feedback loop now and make the adjustments needed to be more in balance and that particular feedback loop stops.
That being said, I will leave you with the beginning of a new poem I recently completed. Can find the rest of it at the link below.
THEY got a “thin the heard” mentality, claim superiority - yet live in Willful Banality!
Embracing indoctrinated False philosophy, built on a foundation of sand - as THEY play mental monopoly!
THEY prefer, chemical based agriculture over RAW NATURE!
THEY LIVE in a world of fiction, a living, breathing, walking contradiction!
THEY hate nature and embrace synthetics!THEY like to manufacture doubt! THEY like moral relativism! THEY like to hear us shout!
As THEY make choices for unheard voices in Rolls Royces!
THEY like to roll out Terror Technology like THEY roll out LEGAL criminality! THEY like to project upon you a false version of reality! THEY like to hide behind the scenes and act cowardly!
THEY like you to beLIEve psychopathic digital drug dealers! THEY laugh, you actually trusted, Tom Wheeler! THEY want you LIMITED to - indoctrinated mainstream doctors and run from True Healers!
THEY love to deceive, distract, divide and conquer! THEY love to fill the swamp with more Swamp Monsters!
Continued here:
Much good health, success, love, protection and wisdom to you all!
Note to google, know that you have been given ample opportunities to make the changes needed to do right. Know that when you begin fully experiencing the Effects of your own Cause that you created it. Do not blame, accept responsibility, make amends as you can and adjust your behavior if you seek to escape/limit future harmful Effects! The simple FREE WILL CHOICE is yours!