I have a brilliant idea for the use of a wall with True Value!
Let’s figure out what island is the most difficult in the world to reach that has enough space to house the criminally insane within the corporate and political realm. Lets build a GIANT WALL around it, arrest all the corporate and political criminally insane folks in the world and leave them there among each other to sort things out!
We can have an aircraft carrier permanently stationed next to it and a satellite that would keep watch 24-7! We would install the same 5G network THEY are trying to use on us there. Let them have access to all the synthetic medications and vaccines they need. Serve them GMO food that has been grown in nutrient deficient soil and allow them all the fast food processed flesh THEY can eat! Can even set up a McDonald's and Burger King! We must make certain GLYPHOSATE is in most of their products as well! Install a fluoridated water system and spray chemtrails over the island daily! Put high fructose corn syrup in the candy! Constantly bombard them with psychological warfare and direct energy weapons while manipulating their weather! Put giant digital screens throughout the island that displays constant footage of the Effects of their Cause upon humanity and reruns of Oprah! Supply them with all the booze and cigarettes THEY desire! Install hidden land minds throughout the island to keep them in a constant state of fear! Then, we can pretend we CARE about them giving a false hope of some type of redemption and potential future freedom! We will let them cast votes on issues THEY feel important that we will do nothing about!
Finally, we could set up an island for all those in the Vatican after the success of this island! Or, when all these criminally insane psychopaths murder each other or die from the environmental conditions THEY are living in, we can just move the Vatican criminals there!
Let’s do it for the poor woman and children of the world!
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