I wonder if TRUMP is aware of this? If his order is successful this is what we have to look forward to!
The current Distract - Divide - Conquer technique is working very well to keep us “focused” on race, religion and separation issues while distracting us from the REAL issues that we can all benefit from by immediately addressing.
What good is a wall when our water, food, air and land are poisoned? What good is deporting criminals when we have a plethora of political and corporate criminals in our own country that need to be arrested and brought to justice? Why build a wall when building shelters for all of the jobless and homeless would benefit Americans who cannot find work or are too sick to work from our poisoned water, food, air, land and the psychological warfare that has been waged against us? What good is investing even more money into the military when it is desperately needed to finance programs related to physical and mental health partially resulting from our corrupt medical industry? Particularly the pharmaceutical and food industry.
Creating Jobs that would help fix or at least balance these problems out is a solution. How can we create these types of jobs when the goal is slavery? We cannot! We have become so desensitized to our own slavery that most “will do anything” to protect it, many unknowingly! As long as we have a decent paid slavery salary fuck everyone else seems to be one of the main themes being played out. Especially by many Christians (Referring to religious extremist) which should be no surprise at this point. This is an ancient program/spell we could benefit from by examining and breaking free of to the best of our ability. Many are currently doing this. Another huge problem is that the highest paying jobs are the ones that do the most damage to the environment and jobs that are humanitarian oriented pay much less. So, people are being motivated to seek more damaging jobs because they pay more and “WE HAVE BEEN PROGRAMED TO NEED MORE TO BE HAPPY.” Thus...conflict! Until we have at least some basic everyday needs taken care of as a solid foundation to support life in this country, most all other endeavors are smoke and mirror tactics to perpetuate modern day slavery!
“The System wants to keep us at each others throats...while we pay the tax note!” ~Ice-T
Keep that quote in mind as you read on. For those able to comprehend what I am saying and seek to help the world to be a better place, one of the most important things we can do is practice kindness toward one another. Not easy at times which is why it is a practice. The power of kindness in a time of this level of psychological warfare is tremendous! Kindness is a true revolutionary act at the moment! The more we fight, the more they win, always keep that in mind when dealing with people. They want us to fight and police ourselves, makes their job much easier. Stop killing one another, forgive. Self work is also very important right now. De-programming your own mind from what your spirit already knows is and has been damaging to your mind and body throughout the years. Learning to eat right, learning to love (AGAPE), real love not this fake ass Hallmark shit! Learning how to spend your money consciously. Trying to fix things before replacing them, shopping second hand when possible, refusing to participate in ignorance. Growing your own food whenever possible. Educating yourself on how the body works and become your own doctor/teacher, spreading awareness, reducing flesh intake or quitting all together. So many things we can do to help but it has to be a choice. Like it has already been said, “ You cannot solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created it.” THIS IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE! We cannot depend on sociopathic, psychotic megalomaniacs to make decisions that support life anymore! For those of you waiting for a messiah or alien ship to rescue us before changing yourself and participating, WAKE UP! Another trap, another mind control program to keep you complacent and silent! Not saying silence is not important, between the sound and silence truth exist. If not for all those who sit in silence everyday projecting the feeling of peace and love into THE FIELD we would be in much worst shape so I thank you all for that :) I can only imagine what this planet would look like if 7.4 billion people did this everyday. My head is tingling thinking about it right now. For those of you doing these things already, I solute you, for those of you brave enough to ponder what you have learned and willing to unlearn and re-learn, much respect! It is not easy and takes a lot of commitment but well worth the trials. I am still learning and adjusting and will do so until I die.
We cannot expect our governments to change if we are unwilling to change. The systems in place at the moment are a reflection of what we have been programed to become! When enough people rewrite the program, the systems will change. You say you want to be free, but are unwilling to give up meat and dairy! You say you want to be free, but are unwilling to turn off the TV! Not meant as a criticism because I know how addicting those things are. We are ultimately speaking of addictive mind controlling programming. The biggest addiction on the planet right now is not drugs, booze or even shopping. The biggest addiction on the planet is excessive harmful thinking that lead to constant stress which leads to all the rest. Fear based programs ultimately.
To all the enforcers in this country, stop protecting REAL criminals. There was a time when you had respect and honor. People welcomed your presence. When you realize you exist not to serve and protect the public but to serve and protect a corporation, perhaps you will begin to stop arresting people for plants that heal. You play a vital role in what is to come. This corporation of real criminals cannot exist without you protecting them. I encourage all of you who honestly care about this country to re-examine your positions. Some of these laws are crimes against humanity that you are currently choosing to participate in, re-think it! Refuse to arrest and participate in laws set up to separate families and perpetuate slavery. THE MONEY IS NOT WORTH IT! Think for yourself, do not blindly follow orders if you have any self respect left. Go on strike, protest until the laws change. Murderers, thieves, rapist, corrupt politicians and so forth are the ones needing policing and enforcing, not your average citizen. Soldiers remember your oath to defend against foreign and "domestic" terrorist. Do your homework, do your research and “KNOW” for “YOURSELF” before it is too late to redeem yourself.
Finally, Mr. Trump if your intentions are to truly MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and galvanize the people you will do everything in your power to completely De-criminalize cannabis as one of your next big steps and re-think our failed war on drug laws. It is not fair to the police either to force them into making those decisions. I honestly believe most police are good people who want to do the right thing but also want to be within the law. Remove the law! It will free up jail space for real criminals and save tax payers a lot of money while providing a much needed cost effective medical service. Particularly if people can grow their own. Will also create a lot of jobs and increased revenue to use in much needed programs. 2nd most important thing is TO GET THE FUCKING FLUORIDE OUT OF THE WATER! 3rd most important thing, STOP SPRAYING POISON IN THE AIR! 4th most important thing, refurbish most of these abandoned homes and buildings allowing the sick and unemployed homeless to utilize them. The people would truly love you for that. 5th most important thing, stop GMO’s and remove the Monsanto protection act while promoting discounted health programs to motivate and encourage people to eat healthier. The more greens you eat, the more green you save type of program. No reason a fucking Big Mac should be less expensive than a organic green smoothie or salad! When people are hungry and broke they choose the least expensive and filling thing they can buy. Make organic greens as cheap as fast food. 6th most important thing, make solar power and alternative energy cheap while offering discounts to people who give back excess power to the grid. These six suggestions would do wonders for us and gain the respect of other countries who may be inspired to do the same. All of these suggestions would also create many jobs and help to restore trust in our government and make us less dependent on oil reducing oil pipelines needing to be built. We can avoid conflict and incidents like the one in the video here.
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