Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Invisible Cell/Sell

Invisible cell...in your head!
Fell to the yell…souls dead!

They creep and crawl into our psyche...
...Bamboozled by bargains and propaganda profanity!

Think we are free because of the illusion of choice and fake currency!

Ignorance accelerated like subatomic CERN particle collider reality!
Electromagnetically speaking!

In love with the latest-this-and that.
We tango with shopping malls…let our cars drive us crazy…indulge in televisions false hopes…become fat and lazy!

Boils down to a sad lost society.
Asses in the air...head buried in the sand...on hands and knees!


Distracted, busy “getting high” on ego to realize we act like copycats.
Blinded by a "fat man and little boy" military precision styled false corrupted wisdom!

Adopted by greed and competition!
Lent out to strangers with bad intentions!


We allow this cycle to repeat.
This cycle of defeat!


This is a world where perverted language has little value!

A country of fluoridated rusty water wells with food that screams and skies that cry!

A matrix in which fear dominates!

In a time of lost hope, and jail time for dope!

If this ain’t Pace Picante dip…get a rope!

I wrote this a long time ago and recently edited it to reflect some of the current themes unfolding. I share this not to encourage pessimism of the current “WHAT IS” scenario but to encourage creative expression in order to release it. There is always a flipside to the negative dark aspects of what we think of as reality. Running from and denying it does not help the situation. Only keeps energy stagnate manifesting into physical and mental disharmony.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Fathers Day Forgiveness

The first time I met my father was in court! Was 13 years old at the time living with my grandmother who adopted and raised me since birth. She was a good woman who worked countless hours so we could have some basics. Will never forget when the judge asked my father if I was his child and he said he did not know! Was heart shattering to say the least but the fact was, he did not know and was never informed of my presence on the planet. He made a genuine attempt to know me but I ended up in an orphanage shortly after our meeting and never seen him again. My grandmother was dying from cigarettes and I had nowhere else to go so I was fortunate enough to be placed somewhere relatively safe with a promise of a  future.

When we are young it is difficult to understand certain things. I held on to anger and resent toward him and my mother who was practically non-existent in my life which partially fueled the fire of escapism through addiction. As time went on I was able to see more clearly and find understanding and ultimately forgiveness toward both of them. Forgiveness was the most liberating thing in my life! It freed up much needed energy to begin other aspects of healing that were much needed. I do not believe in accidents, the Universe knows what it is doing and we are extension of that awesome force of creation. We are participants and choose certain experiences before entering the body. As we zoom out certain things that appear to be pure evil on the surface take on different meanings. Although we may only be able to comprehend small portions of it at a time, it is important to ultimately trust the bigger picture even when we lack clarity. Does not mean we ignore and deny the horrors of WHAT IS.

So, I share this for those who may be struggling on this fathers day to seek understanding and forgiveness toward fathers who have appeared to make bad decisions. The sooner one can forgive and release stagnate resentful energy, the sooner one can utilize the energy for something more meaningful and useful in life, plus you will feel better. There is a movie I watched during this time called “Forgiving Doctor Mengele” that inspired me to search deep into my soul for understanding and forgiveness. I highly recommend it if you are struggling with any of these types of issues. After watching, I thought to myself, if this woman can forgive the horrors inflicted upon her I can forgive! Interestingly enough around that time I met a kind sweet old woman who had the Auschwitz tattoos on her arm! I asked her if she was in the camps and she said yes. We talked for a long time, when I asked her how can she be so kind and sweet after all of that she said she forgave!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


The truth is, we are travelers on this-energetic poetic symphony-unpredictable cosmic highway...

Understanding the answers may require temporary madness!

A "so-called" normal mind does not have the creative capacity involved in such understandings.

This is what "I think I" know.
Besides the obvious and predictable flow.

What it is that I think I know can change in an instant-cause I thought I knew.

A second ago the new thought that switched to a second hand conversation with no dialog-proceeds to change my mind.

So even when I really thought I knew, I ONLY THOUGHT!

Those thoughts betray me, no wait...maybe not.

I remembered how I wanted to end this, now I forgot!