Tuesday, August 7, 2018

In Honor Of Alex Jones - Censorship & Modern Day Slavery

Sharing this video in honor of what just happened to Alex. I certainly did not agree with everything he said but he was correct about many things.

Censorship in a so-called free country is a crime against humanity! Love or hate him, the actions taken against him prove what many of us have come to already know is True in regards to mainstream media and the "legal" psychological warfare campaign being waged against the public.

This should come as no surprise when you realize the type of people we are dealing with. "The sleep walkers are severely and Truly mentally ill". Only horrific tragedy will awaken them! Let them sleep walk until the time comes for their eyes to open. Let the dead bury the dead!

This is ultimately a blessing in disguise. For the decisions makers are in fear, blinded by greed and ignorance. They do not have the ability to see far into the future due to such fear, greed and ignorance therefore do not realize THEY have actually helped the conscious awareness movement by this decision.

Fortunately there are many other social media sites in place and developing at the moment. I am slowly moving over to another site right now. In the meantime, enjoy the mainstream media freak show while THEY continue to shoot themselves in the foot! In time and as more awaken, the Truth will be undeniable and the changes we seek will fall into place. Many are laughing and celebrating at the moment, THEY are in for a very rude awakening!

As of now I do not support Alex Jones at all! He has been compromised and is untrustworthy! A tragedy considering the good he has done for a short time and the good he could have done if he did not sell out and become a statist! Censorship is wrong regardless, no being should ever be censored even if THEY are lying or misinformed. We have the choice to not listen, we do not need the criminally insane to protect us from false information. THEY put enough of that out already!

The Legalization Of Crime Within The Health Care Industry - Rockefeller Medicine

Taking doctors to court for Curing people, go team USA!

Where are the real patriots at who "took an oath" to defend citizens from terrorist, foreign and DOMESTIC?

Since many soldiers have been conditioned like we condition dogs to obey and "follow orders" regardless of if it is wrong, they do not act because "acting would require an order" and the Criminally Insane they serve will never issue orders for their own arrest. Soldiers and law enforcement primarily exist to protect psychopaths, not the public.

The LEGALIZATION of crime in favor of corporate/government criminals is so perverse that even if a soldier or law enforcement officer has an awakening and attempts to arrest or in some way detain known "legal criminals", the soldier or law enforcement officer will be considered the criminal and unpatriotic!

I know ex soldiers at the moment I love dearly who admit the government is corrupt yet still support them by putting up flags on their vehicles and home. This is how powerful Mind Control is! The cognitive dissonance is too much to handle therefore remain bound in willful ignorance.

This is why it is vital to self educate and make the changes to your health, yourself.

One of the characteristics of a psychopath is to deny Truth despite the evidence, particularly all truths that prove them false. THEY will go to any length regardless of the harm it causes to protect themselves.

Friday, August 3, 2018

What I Have Learned About Healing - A Short Summary

I do not generally like to give much advice because there are many things we must learn on our own from trial and error (direct experience) but felt this is important for those on the healing path.

What I have come to learn from my own trial and error on this journey of recover and healing is information can have a positive or negative impact on your health. The data you take in is vital to how your mind and brain effect the body.

As a seeker of Truth, Knowledge and Wisdom I take in as much data as I can handle until it becomes too much then I rest to let it process. Fortunately I have the time to do this at the moment, better said, I make the time to do it because I am passionate about understanding the human condition and what we can do to lessen the burdens of it as a society. Knowledge is indeed power, what we do with the knowledge is either wisdom or foolishness.

That being said, if you are suffering from any type of severe physical or mental malady it will be wise to cut off all studies of any material that upsets you. Run from the news like a plague! Do not watch it, cut off any research into the dark aspects of reality until your in a place mentally and physically to better handle the data and process it without harming yourself.

The main reasons I was able to handle it is because I have tools like artistic expression and working out physically along with meditation to manage the anger and stress that comes with this type of research. A healthy diet and spiritual practice is a must as well when diving that deep! Releasing toxic people/energy vampires from your life is a must as well, even if you love them. They will only drain you of your vital resources and energy while making little or no progress to their own well being because they do not really want to change, they primarily seek attention.

I would have made much better progress and healed more quickly if I had cut this information out. I do not regret my decision because I learned a valuable lesson I would like to pass on to you. Spend your valuable time focused primarily on the development of your mind and in doing so will positively effect your body. All change starts at the level of mind, then heart, next body. Approach healing with a laser like focus avoiding the temptations of information that will drain and decrease health.

The Truth will indeed help set you free but it comes with a price! The current Truth about our reality is vile and sick indeed! What we do to one another is nearly unfathomable, depressing and heartbreaking, words cannot fully capture the totality.

Read books and watch films that inspire you! Watch a lot of comedies, get into nature as much as you can, connect with Great Mother Earth and develop a relationship with The Source Of All!

If you are indeed sincere and committed to healing so you can be a real channel of change within self and society heed these words as you would a new born baby. I love you all very much and know for a fact you have the power and ability to positively effect the changes you seek, never give up and never listen to anyone who attempts to NOCEBO effect you, run from these people! Especially doctors who do not speak of holistic remedies and want you to be on synthetics for the rest of your life! Many blessing, good health and good fortune to you!

VPN Users Are Being Blocked By Yahoo & Other Services

VPN users are now being blocked by sites like Yahoo! Recently went to log into my Yahoo account to check my email and received this message.

I kept trying to login to no avail when it occurred to me it might be because I have a VPN so I logged out of the VPN service I use and Yahoo then allowed me to access their site and sign in.

Pass this on and boycott any services that do not allow VPN users. THEY will most likely claim it is for security reasons but the real reason is THEY can't keep track of your data for monitoring purposes and suggest advertisements that suite your personal desires. To spy and sell your data, these psychopathic vulture capitalist are obsessed with the control of information and spying so this is no surprise!

It is a sign of desperation! The best way to be free of parasites is starving them so withdraw energetically so THEY can no longer feed on you!

Will be switching emails soon and boycotting all services that do not support the right to privacy and protection of data.