Thursday, November 1, 2018

What Are We Going To Do About 5G?

While the “publics attention” is being directed at mostly nonsense one of the biggest threats to our existence is being rolled out and mostly “ignored” by our politicians and mainstream media who willfully choose to live in IGNORance. It is interesting how when the FDA and certain governmental organizations want to keep “something useful” from the public like cannabis away, THEY always use the excuse that MORE SCIENCE is needed before we can proceed. Then THEY delay and limit research on those very same issues to “keep control” over the situation. This is the method used to keep cannabis a schedule 1 substance and remains so to this day despite the evidence of its very limited negative affects and primarily ignoring the useful medical affects! However, when THEY want to push something onto the public that is "unhealthy" THEY claim SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE is not needed to properly make a “wise decision” for the public. Anyone with a fraction of intelligence should be able to see through this scam. Unless of course your under some form of Mind Control and no amount of evidence, logic or reason will contribute to your understanding. Mind Controlled people either completely dismiss important information or completely ignore it until it becomes a personal life threatening situation and they are forced to figure out a solution. This is when the Mind Control will begin to lose its grip and eyes start to open. I am not anti-technology, we need a certain amount of it now to function as a society. The main problem “infecting” us at the moment is the overuse of certain technologies that already cause harm and the ever increasing development of that very same technology with little regards to future effects. WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO IGNORE THIS! There has to be a way to make this technology more balanced and organic. Would be very wise to put our top minds together to figure out how to develop a safer version of this technology. If we do not do this now while we still have the option before rolling it out we are not only foolish but will have to deal with the effects of the cause in a way that will be horrific! Heed these words while we can. The CHOICE is OURS.

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