Saturday, December 29, 2018

Mental Atrophy

THEY keep, keeping up with the Cardassians!
Obsessed with, illusions, airbrushed models, sports, politics, religion and fashion!
Fashioning their minds into a MODEL Slave but THEY don’t MIND!
...So, THEY brush off internal self exploration in exchange for false acceptance!
Proving to me what is now obvious.
Mental atrophy at the highest degree!
Nature has NO RESPECT for the “willful refusal” to learn, adjust, adapt, evolve!
End times mystery solved!!! 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Breaking The SPELL Of Psychopath King James

Wanted to share this video as a prime example of how religious Mind Control can heavily taint truthful useful information.

I subscribed to him a while back because he puts out some interesting ideas and at a certain level is speaking Truth. However I have noticed a pattern of him bashing occult teachings, lumping everyone who practices the art into the same generalized category as Satanist or some type of evildoer.

Many Christians are still under “the Spell” of psychopath King James who brainwashed his followers to beLIEve (KJV) of Exod 22:18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, "and has been used by some contemporary ordinary Akan Christians in Ghana to justify praying for the death and destruction of witches and wizards.

Yet Christ said to love and forgive your enemies, to not murder. This spell is so powerful it is still harmfully effecting many Christians who choose to live in willful IGNORance and not do the research or practice required to know the occult is a “tool” to “be used wisely”as a benefit to self and others but some use it as a weapon! Just like some have twisted and rearranged words in the Bible to change the SPELLing influencing people to harm one another, using it as a weapon!

If you beLIEve this you have been divided and conquered just the way THEY like and want it! I challenge anyone under this spell to re-think it. Your beLIEfe is not allowing you to see any further than the filter of that beLIEf can process without overriding itself causing you pain and discomfort through cognitive dissonance. You beLIEve it so strongly that the mental firewall you have built to protect you from information that contradicts your beLIEfe is doing its job very well.

The true enemy of humans is IGNORance and beLIEf, not Knowledge and Wisdom which is what the occult offers. How one uses a tool is “their choice and responsibility”, do not blame the tool, blame that specific user. This is why I do not lump all Christians into one category and prejudge them. They are all different in one way or another, just like many other groups. These are identities and personalities fused with beLIEf, not reality.

Also note that many Christians light and stare into candles praying, participating in rituals on a daily. This is “magic” my friend. This is the occult, many of you have no idea that you are practicing a similar thing under a different name, worshiping a different being. I am also finding there are harmful occultist pretending to be Christians manipulating both sides. Those are the ones you should be concerned about.

So, I invite any so-called awake Christian to re-think that beLIFe if you seek to be at more peace with your brothers and sister on the planet. Or, carry on with a powerful SPELLing that has caused much pain, grief, sorrow, death, division and destruction. If your truly awake you will consider my words and do the work to find out the TRUTH. If your under Christian Mind Control you will be angry at my words, call me some type of evil Satanists or Sorcerer and automatically reject this information. The real problem with Mind Control is that "the CHOICE has already been made for those under Mind Control."

I challenge you to watch this film but I already know most won't and will automatically reject it claiming all of Hollywood is Satanic. Just a small part of your glorious Christian history you probably do not know about.


If your brave and willing to challenge your beLIEfs to KNOW THYSELF watch this.

We have psychopath King James to thank for this SPELLing as well!

Friday, December 21, 2018

The Role Of Cause And Effect In Our Current "What Is" Unfolding And What You Can Do

What we are witnessing unfold at the moment are the effects of prior causes. Of past decisions, individually and collectively, of ignoring Truth and choosing the lie. We are all responsible for the current effects in one way or another. Don’t be to hard on yourself though because we were born into the lie, it was taught to us by others who did what they had to in order to survive. Forgive all of that and move forward.

With eyes open now, we understand there is no separation, all is connected and we are part of a Divine Force we cannot currently fully comprehend acknowledging there is a way to live based in Divine Natural Law. The Seven Hermetic Principles, the navigation principles that govern our reality. That which transmutes chaos into order, hate into love, so on and so forth...

Little  of “True value” will manifest until the vast majority of humans understand and adjust their actions to live in more balance with the Law Of Cause And Effect. Knowing “without a doubt” WHAT I DO TO YOU I DO TO ME and honoring that. This is a vital understanding our times because the decisions we make now are the causes of future effects that will shape future “what is” moments for humans and quality of life. Change the cause, changes the effect.

The underlying cause of our current effects are a result of humans embracing the lie and choosing to live in willful IGNORance. There are many reasons we have chosen the lie but the main reason is that it pays well and gives us what we need to not only survive but also feed our habits, our pleasure while providing a sense of false security. We can see clearly now the results of those prior causal decisions.

It is not all our fault however, there are very harmful forces that have designed it this way to keep us trapped in sleepiness, slavery, ignorance and ill health. This is why it is important to understand the same information THEY are using against us. Understanding Natural Law not only helps us live more freely and in balance, it helps us to better defend ourselves from those who use occult knowledge as a weapon instead of a tool for freedom!

If we cannot understand and apply something as simple as Cause and Effect into our lives it matters not who we elect or how often we rearrange the furniture on the titanic before it finally sinks. We will see what happens in the video below over and over and over, in one form or another. It is a simple “choice” to embrace TRUTH or continue on with the LIE. What do you choose?

If you" seek to be more free" and live in balance with reality the playlist below will be of great help to you. If you are fine with slavery willfully ignore it.