Wanted to share this video as a prime example of how religious Mind Control can heavily taint truthful useful information.
I subscribed to him a while back because he puts out some interesting ideas and at a certain level is speaking Truth. However I have noticed a pattern of him bashing occult teachings, lumping everyone who practices the art into the same generalized category as Satanist or some type of evildoer.
Many Christians are still under “the Spell” of psychopath King James who brainwashed his followers to beLIEve (KJV) of Exod 22:18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, "and has been used by some contemporary ordinary Akan Christians in Ghana to justify praying for the death and destruction of witches and wizards.
Yet Christ said to love and forgive your enemies, to not murder. This spell is so powerful it is still harmfully effecting many Christians who choose to live in willful IGNORance and not do the research or practice required to know the occult is a “tool” to “be used wisely”as a benefit to self and others but some use it as a weapon! Just like some have twisted and rearranged words in the Bible to change the SPELLing influencing people to harm one another, using it as a weapon!
If you beLIEve this you have been divided and conquered just the way THEY like and want it! I challenge anyone under this spell to re-think it. Your beLIEfe is not allowing you to see any further than the filter of that beLIEf can process without overriding itself causing you pain and discomfort through cognitive dissonance. You beLIEve it so strongly that the mental firewall you have built to protect you from information that contradicts your beLIEfe is doing its job very well.
The true enemy of humans is IGNORance and beLIEf, not Knowledge and Wisdom which is what the occult offers. How one uses a tool is “their choice and responsibility”, do not blame the tool, blame that specific user. This is why I do not lump all Christians into one category and prejudge them. They are all different in one way or another, just like many other groups. These are identities and personalities fused with beLIEf, not reality.
Also note that many Christians light and stare into candles praying, participating in rituals on a daily. This is “magic” my friend. This is the occult, many of you have no idea that you are practicing a similar thing under a different name, worshiping a different being. I am also finding there are harmful occultist pretending to be Christians manipulating both sides. Those are the ones you should be concerned about.
So, I invite any so-called awake Christian to re-think that beLIFe if you seek to be at more peace with your brothers and sister on the planet. Or, carry on with a powerful SPELLing that has caused much pain, grief, sorrow, death, division and destruction. If your truly awake you will consider my words and do the work to find out the TRUTH. If your under Christian Mind Control you will be angry at my words, call me some type of evil Satanists or Sorcerer and automatically reject this information. The real problem with Mind Control is that "the CHOICE has already been made for those under Mind Control."
I challenge you to watch this film but I already know most won't and will automatically reject it claiming all of Hollywood is Satanic. Just a small part of your glorious Christian history you probably do not know about.
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