Sunday, February 24, 2019

My Last Google Blog

As you may know google in its infinite wisdom and care has decided to no longer offer google plus services! This is my last post in the blog section and have moved to Will be posting updated information and new poetry on Minds from now on. I will still continue posting some stuff on google plus until it ends but if you want the full spectrum you can find me on Minds. 
Hopefully it is becoming more clear to people that google is run by immoral criminally insane psychopaths who do not have the publics best intention at heart! THEY will have to face the consequences of the “Cause” of their own harmful “Effects” soon enough due to the refusal to learn, grow and change. Many are experiencing this at the moment but for those who willingly choose to live in IGNORance it will be much worst! It is not a punishment, simply a learning loop many still refuse to acknowledge. Recognize the feedback loop now and make the adjustments needed to be more in balance and that particular feedback loop stops. 

That being said, I will leave you with the beginning of a new poem I recently completed. Can find the rest of it at the link below.  

THEY got a “thin the heard” mentality, claim superiority - yet live in Willful Banality!
Embracing indoctrinated False philosophy, built on a foundation of sand - as THEY play mental monopoly!
THEY prefer, chemical based agriculture over RAW NATURE!
THEY LIVE in a world of fiction, a living, breathing, walking contradiction!
THEY hate nature and embrace synthetics!THEY like to manufacture doubt! THEY like moral relativism! THEY like to hear us shout!
As THEY make choices for unheard voices in Rolls Royces!
THEY like to roll out Terror Technology like THEY roll out LEGAL criminality! THEY like to project upon you a false version of reality! THEY like to hide behind the scenes and act cowardly!
THEY like you to beLIEve psychopathic digital drug dealers! THEY laugh, you actually trusted, Tom Wheeler! THEY want you LIMITED to - indoctrinated mainstream doctors and run from True Healers!
THEY love to deceive, distract, divide and conquer! THEY love to fill the swamp with more Swamp Monsters!
Much good health, success, love, protection and wisdom to you all!
Note to google, know that you have been given ample opportunities to make the changes needed to do right. Know that when you begin fully experiencing the Effects of your own Cause that you created it. Do not blame, accept responsibility, make amends as you can and adjust your behavior if you seek to escape/limit future harmful Effects! The simple FREE WILL CHOICE is yours!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Nobody Knew

Nobody knew about the new unknowns!

Frequently exposed to frequencies known to damage! We were not particular about our particulates...NANO!

Particularly statists didn’t mind 
Scientism beLIEvers that got left behind
As THEY, took it from behind!

Pretending like everything was fine!
Now standing in the hospital line, that stretches around the corner!
But THEY are still worried about borders!

Summarizing the sum of some summer situations...

Haters externalize wishing to be reborn again but don’t want to put the effort in!
So THEY remain wrapped in a blanket of sheep skin!

Now, THEY are tired of sitting - sitting because THEY are tired! 

Massively, the mASSes ASSumed frequently the fallacy of finite resources infinitely!
Living Passively

It was a tragedy, living in more denial than deniers of gravity!

It was sad to see, intelligent Star Dust drowning in willful IGNORance abyss sea!

So I took refuge within fine tuning reality - chiseling away my own IGNORance!

Nearly killed me to bear whiteness!
To the age of the necessity of a Faraday cage - just to sleep at night!

Nobody knew exactly what it was but something was not right...

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Watchers


As THEY applaud their own doom!


As THEY penetrate minds like late term wombs!


As THEY speedily decay!


As THEY fade away!




As THEY further astray!


As THEY take golden showers!


As the planet is devoured!


Cause we near the final hours!

Friday, January 18, 2019


Dazed and confused while glued to digital sorcery screens like fiends in back alley ways-waiting to turn tricks for a temporary illusionary quick fix, the embodiment of sickness!

Distracted by corporate dances claiming life enhancements for human advancements was mesmerizing!

They did not want to know much more other than what was on the other side of the door of self satisfaction! Forgetting, the door opens inward as well.

So we fell, asleep, deep into a well of forgetfulness, regretfulness and self indulgence!

With valued memories of past purposefully wiped away we had nowhere to gauge proper direction!
So we chose to beLIEve artist like CON! Professional liars mastering the art of deception!

Was less energy to simply beLIEve rather than think...
Not realizing, blind faith always causes ships to sink!
So, now under Mind Control, we chose what was sold to us as an easier road!

The slow trek of a technological terror was the first big error!
The “willful refusal” to listen and learn was when we started to burn! Even allowing scientism to create places like, CERN!

Surrounded by evidence of self destruction did not slow down production!
Of tainted goods to help us feel good while “under the influence” of illusion seduction!

Even then they would not listen and did not want to know, the spell was powerful!

They CHOSE to focus on the Truman show!
They Chose Disney!
They chose to play double reverse, mental frisbee!
They chose Oprah
They chose fluoride
They chose blood skies
They chose to slip and slide
They chose closed eyes
They chose to run and hide...from themselves
They chose, murder over sharing!
They chose, hatred over caring!
They chose, wine over clean water!
They chose, to molest sons and daughters!
They chose, to eat flesh and slaughter!
They chose, mental fodder!
They chose, IGNORance over intelligence!
They chose, irrelevance!
They chose, filth over cleanliness!
They chose, psychopaths to clean up the mess!
They chose, cowardness over bravery!
They chose, SLAVERY!

As the time dance beats on...

They still wouldn't listen, they wouldn't even take their vitamins!
Now mal-nutritioned, with mental atrophy, they start hissin...about the news, as the Truth sets in!

Now, angrily bafooned by Truths related to the dark side of moon!

Wishing, they would have listened!
Wishing, they would have learned!
Wishing for a quick death!

Now,thirsty for knowledge once ignored that could have saved them!
Like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife!
The irony of access to millions of books but cannot see!
As the dance increases speedily!

What will we CHOOSE?
Freedom or slavery?
Cowardice or bravery?
External masters over self mastery?
Rhythm over chaos?
Vibrations of love over hate?
Balance over greed?

Then YOU “choose” the seeds to plant subconsciously!
Or, the worship of IGNORance disguised as bliss?

Effecting the Cause, Causing the Effect!

Of inhabitable habitat!

Through “right choice” WE, re-write the Epitaph!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Let Us Build A Wall!

I have a brilliant idea for the use of a wall with True Value!

Let’s figure out what island is the most difficult in the world to reach that has enough space to house the criminally insane within the corporate and political realm. Lets build a GIANT WALL around it, arrest all the corporate and political criminally insane folks in the world and leave them there among each other to sort things out!

We can have an aircraft carrier permanently stationed next to it and a satellite that would keep watch 24-7! We would install the same 5G network THEY are trying to use on us there. Let them have access to all the synthetic medications and vaccines they need. Serve them GMO food that has been grown in nutrient deficient soil and allow them all the fast food processed flesh THEY can eat! Can even set up a McDonald's and Burger King! We must make certain GLYPHOSATE is in most of their products as well! Install a fluoridated water system and spray chemtrails over the island daily! Put high fructose corn syrup in the candy! Constantly bombard them with psychological warfare and direct energy weapons while manipulating their weather! Put giant digital screens throughout the island that displays constant footage of the Effects of their Cause upon humanity and reruns of Oprah! Supply them with all the booze and cigarettes THEY desire! Install hidden land minds throughout the island to keep them in a constant state of fear! Then, we can pretend we CARE about them giving a false hope of some type of redemption and potential future freedom! We will let them cast votes on issues THEY feel important that we will do nothing about!

Finally, we could set up an island for all those in the Vatican after the success of this island! Or, when all these criminally insane psychopaths murder each other or die from the environmental conditions THEY are living in, we can just move the Vatican criminals there!

Let’s do it for the poor woman and children of the world!

This is what the people "many still trust" despite the evidence are "LEGALLY" doing to us!

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 12, 2019, #179 ( Dane Wigington )

Sunday, January 13, 2019


We are not at the top of the food chain like we have been lead to beLIEve! If you seek to understand what I mean by that look up parasitic mind control.
One major Cause of our current Effects is related to how we treat and use animals. The simple Truth is we do not need to slaughter animals to live happy healthy lives. We can still utilize them in humane ways for a win-win benefit scenario with minimal pain and suffering if WE CHOOSE. Factory farming is Satanic at this point! I highly suggest people do the deep research into that topic to know for yourself.
The addiction to CARNISM causes much cognitive dissonance in people who know in their hearts it is wrong to purposefully create beings just to live miserable lives to be used primarily as a food source, then killed. Apply all the logic and reasoning humans use to justify continuing on with deadly addictions and apply it to self, if you can. BeLIEf is the driving force of this type of insane thinking.
Would not make it right if I beLIEved I had the right to eat you then did so. Would cause a lot of pain and suffering to you and your family but this is the logic and reasoning people use to continue on with this insanity! It is also one of the “first programs” we receive as babies, the food we grew up with is hardwired now as adults for preferred choice, making it difficult to re-think.
We are so in love with eating flesh we bypass this truth to fuel our addiction regardless of the facts or deadly consequences it has on self, other, animals or environment! When I first quit eating flesh I was brought back to the emotional pain and withdraw I went through quitting drugs and booze! Took months for my body to start readjusting! Was well worth it because I feel much better and it helped in healing type II diabetes I received from taking FDA approved synthetics.
We will know REAL positive change is occurring when we see a hard decline in the fast food market and other industries that rely on the horrific slow torture and slaughter of animals for flesh profits! Since many people still beLIEve this behavior is not only acceptable but God Given, it might be a while.
Since many of these people are now suffering the Effects of this Cause through severe illness and financial losses, it might happen sooner than later. Pain and suffering are great EYE OPENERS and the “only teacher” for some.
What will you use your “powerful free will” choice to do?

Mark Passio - The Worldview Poisoning Of Meat Eaters

Melanie Joy - Carnism: The Psychology of Eating Meat

Most will not take the time to look at this data yet claim some type of moral value system based in religion or spirituality. If we are being HONEST with ourselves we eat flesh because of "pleasure", not health reasons! This pleasure/addiction is at the Cause of many horrific Effects currently unfolding. One thing I have learned is that we must allow people the Effects of their own Cause, particularly when they choose to live in willful IGNORance about it. If they are able to awaken at this point it will be through massive pain and suffering. I offer a solution and leave it at that. If interested I assist, if not I allow because they need the experience to Know for themselves, learn, grow, or leave this planet in whatever way they see fit.

So, if you are someone who has been programmed to beLIEve you cannot have a positive impact on reality, think again! Your Free Will"CHOICES" have a powerful influence on Cause and Effect. If we are not willing to tweak our behavior a little to help the current Effects of the Cause then we are doomed and have no business complaining about what the criminally insane are doing to us in the political realm!

 If we cannot control the choices related to the types of food we eat then someone else is making the decision for you and there is a real good chance your under Mind Control!

It is literally INSANE to expect known criminally insane people who make decisions for the public to change their behavior for our benefit when we are not willing to change our own behavior for the benefit of others, including animals! Are you insane? 

If you seek to know how THEY go about convincing us to participate in Satanic sacrificial rituals through factory farming and Mind Rape the public without us knowing, watch this. If you beLIEve you have found happiness in slavery and need your illusions to function, DO NOT WATCH THIS!

Marketing is Mind Control: Cultural Conditioning and Social Engineering

Wednesday, January 9, 2019


One day I’ll be labeled a terrorist! Cause I have love raised fists!

But I am not scared of this! Acknowledging bliss, that’s how we do this. Not a socialist, extremist or communist! 

They may label me an occultist, a mind rapist, a witch, a son of a bitch, but I won’t flinch!

Strong like Popeye and spinach! 
Opening eyes with love image!

They look at me with dark face grimace knowing I am a soldier of love, wisdom and knowledge, someone not powerless!

I use to be like all the rest, but hard time survival put me to the test!
Now I feel blessed!

My mind is no longer under arrest!
 Inner love conquest! 
Put yourself to the test…I wish you all the best!