What I essentially found talking to doctors about the subject of medical cannabis is a lot of ignorance, denial and indoctrinated order following sellouts with no intention on doing anything that does not fit within their limited educational programming. Also, many doctors/hospitals are in a relationship with the federal government and take money from them so now they are obligated to follow federal orders or risk losing funding. Nine out of thirteen doctors I spoke with still have not even heard of the endocannabinoid system! So I printed out some info and gave it to a few. One would think in an industry that "claims" to be passionate about health and healing this topic would be amplified within the community but is still mostly pushed aside and met with scorn despite the myriad of testimonials and scientific research.
The best part of this product for me is the non-psychoactive aspect. You have to use a lot before getting even a slight buzz. I feel happier, more balanced and my pain level is highly decreased! Price is reasonable and have not had any negative side effects thus far but I do not use it everyday, mainly as needed. Does not effect my thought process in a negative way as well like smoking it use to for me. Even if your not in pain I suggest this product to stimulate the endocannabinoid system for homeostasis. Many people have an endocannabinoid deficiency and don’t even know due to the suppression of this data. Maybe Oprah will do a show on it one day, lol! I use a vape pen, there are other ways of taking it I have not tried, do your own research and try it to “KNOW” for “YOURSELF.” Started a playlist on the subject you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxbRtsIZpxqoBWwTTS7z9VmN1O2t3sN7B