The other day I had a puff and pass session with Jeff Sessions.
We, philosophized about life, ultimate unknown and unanswered questions.
Was my opportunity to know, what it felt like to have no soul.
To pick the brain of a real psycho!
I asked, “what did you mean by pot smokers are bad people?”
As he spoke his nose started to grow!
He said, “I will answer after this drink, cigarette and line of blow!
With every shot of whisky, he opened up so slowly.
Started telling me about his childhood and how he was, lonely!
How they locked him in a room for 20hrs a day...with Refer Madness movie on replay!
For months at a time on a cold floor with no clothes.
Reruns of Oprah and no cell phone!
Microwaved McDonald's chicken nuggets 3 times a day without sauce sipping on Budweiser!
Every twenty minutes intravenously fed products from Pfizer!
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
Then he put his hands out like he was holding a steering wheel and started steering!
All of a sudden Nancy Reagan busted in and he started to grin!
They locked eyes like lost lovers separated by decades!
They, took off their cloths and started to dance wildly.
They, pulled off their piss infested diapers and jumped up and down.
Yelling and screaming in hysteria swinging diapers all around!
Out of their asses pulled a red nose made for clowns!
Put it on their nose and continued jumping up and down!
The room got smelly, all I wanted to do was leave!
As I started to grieve!
Nancy said, “please don’t go you should know my real name is Steve!”
I had to stay because this was something nobody would believe!
They started to scissor then switched to 69!
In between Hannibal Lecter orgasms sips of wine!
They said, “come join us so you can pass some time!”
I said, “no thank you and she started to cry!”
I said, “all I really wanted to know is why you hate Cannabis smokers?”
Why the war on drugs instead of a war on ignorance?
Why jail the sick, why not help instead?
Minutes passed in silence that felt like hours...
They stood up straight like Al Roker live TV Mk Ultra trigger word moment!
Started to, do the robot, shit was getting creepy!
They, started to talk then they started to get sleepy.
Now it was obvious, behind me was a TV!
When they awoke the conversation turned grim!
“It’s not that we hate drug users but we have to listen to him!”
Pointed to a branding on their butts that said, Jim!
Is that your handler?
“Yes” as they frowned:(
This is when they started pissing on the ground!
Do a line of blow with us it will make you feel better!
I just said "NO!"
Then Jim busted in wearing a Freddy Krueger sweater!
With whip in hand took control of the situation!
He said, “Nancy and Jeff...its time for a perminate vacation!”
Your no longer needed, replacement clones are almost ready!
The Queen of England walked in and started serving over cooked spaghetti!
She looked me dead in the eye, shape shifted and said, “son, your just not ready!”
Say Cheese!
To be continued:
Conversations with Jim part 2.
Note: No corrupt mind controlled sell out politicians were harmed during the writing of this poem! This is purely a work of comedic fiction and a attempt to release energy and keep sane during a time of epic human slavery, coercion and mind control while the masses hardly notice, thank you for reading, peace.
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