Monday, September 18, 2017

To Flat Earth Enthusiast

First off I want to say that I do not fully disagree with flat earth theory. The earth in a sense is both flat and spherical depending on where your at. We are in a multi-dimensional universe. On the ground it appears flat, from space otherwise. Reality is even much more than this. Perhaps one day we will know the full truth to this topic but people are free to argue, separate and fight over it for as long AS THEY CHOOSE. Personally, I suggest spending your valuable time learning about the mind and heart, exploring consciousness along with how the body functions while doing what you can to live a more peaceful healthy life. The chances of people shifting behavior in a more positive manner is slim even if the government were to come out and state the earth is flat.Time will tell.

I know many flat earthers are excellent people concerned with truth but have noticed they do not want much to do with anyone with different beliefs or opinions. Like many online at the moment who speak of unity, love, acceptance yet run away like a thief getting caught in the middle of a robbery when presented with information that contradicts their opinion or beliefs. We will never have peace, love or unity if we CHOOSE to only surround ourselves with others who completely agree with everything we say and believe. Same thing is going on in the Occult, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan, Wictch, Scientific and many other communities. It is a trap that I still fall into occasionally. I am not certain what it is going to take to put our differences aside to focus on the real issues tainting society but it all starts with awareness. Our collective focus is hardly existent at the moment. Then again, most people are still unaware that we can alter reality through a mass collective focus.

If there is any flat earther who can explain to me how it is possible to be in a 3D reality while also living in a flat earth 2D reality it would be greatly appreciated. I truly seek to know, thanks. 


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