The holiday hypnosis has begun!
That time of year when Santa replaces the sun/son!
Corporate holiday jingles on repeat!
The rhythmic sounds of holidays past.
Locust consumerism mentality vibrations of self defeat!
Holiday hypnosis-reminding me of dark sorcery halitosis!
Music re-mixes of past holiday hypnosis to keep it fresh!
He who gives the most is the best!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks everything in sight!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks with all his might!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Swift as can be!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks our mentality!
...And Santa says, “Rudolph with your big fully erect red cock so us sell some goods tonight!"
Kriss Kringle jingle for “synthetic” Astrotheology holiday, knocks us out like punch from...Cassius Clay!
Rudolphs cock penetrates us subconsciously!
Constantly, thrusting in and out of your brain, from the airwaves, internet and TV!
That time of year when Santa replaces the sun/son!
Corporate holiday jingles on repeat!
The rhythmic sounds of holidays past.
Locust consumerism mentality vibrations of self defeat!
Holiday hypnosis-reminding me of dark sorcery halitosis!
Music re-mixes of past holiday hypnosis to keep it fresh!
He who gives the most is the best!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks everything in sight!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks with all his might!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Swift as can be!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks our mentality!
...And Santa says, “Rudolph with your big fully erect red cock so us sell some goods tonight!"
Kriss Kringle jingle for “synthetic” Astrotheology holiday, knocks us out like punch from...Cassius Clay!
Rudolphs cock penetrates us subconsciously!
Constantly, thrusting in and out of your brain, from the airwaves, internet and TV!
Mental obesity!
Hard to escape like running from air...
The jingles surround us...they are everywhere!
The abominable snowman jerks off with both hands cumming on Jack and Frosty!
The Nut Cracker did just that!
The ghost of X-Mas “past” is back but could not stay “present”
Santas helpers stole all the high fructose cookies and presents!
Washed them down with plastic bottled microwaved milk eating cheese with casomorphin!
While Sack Man smoked a fat “sack” of crack-“man” and stole your children!
Joy to the world, the deals are here!
Joy to the world, Fridays painted in black are near!
Joy to the world, like gerbaling and Richard Gere!
Santas got his “Claws” in ya!
“Ginger” cost a lot of “bread” and did not help “man”
The Grinch stole my Budweiser sweater!
Why do we act like, the equivalent of-consumerism Son Of Sam?
The holiday hypnosis is here
Carve a turkey
Drink a lot of beer
Spend a lot of money
Praise false idols
Celebrate consumerism
Have a great NewYear!
What will it take to finally be free?
Of false corporate consumerism holiday locust mentality.
Withdraw energetically...
Non-compliance, the solution is not rocket science!
Hard to escape like running from air...
The jingles surround us...they are everywhere!
The abominable snowman jerks off with both hands cumming on Jack and Frosty!
The Nut Cracker did just that!
The ghost of X-Mas “past” is back but could not stay “present”
Santas helpers stole all the high fructose cookies and presents!
Washed them down with plastic bottled microwaved milk eating cheese with casomorphin!
While Sack Man smoked a fat “sack” of crack-“man” and stole your children!
Joy to the world, the deals are here!
Joy to the world, Fridays painted in black are near!
Joy to the world, like gerbaling and Richard Gere!
Santas got his “Claws” in ya!
“Ginger” cost a lot of “bread” and did not help “man”
The Grinch stole my Budweiser sweater!
Why do we act like, the equivalent of-consumerism Son Of Sam?
The holiday hypnosis is here
Carve a turkey
Drink a lot of beer
Spend a lot of money
Praise false idols
Celebrate consumerism
Have a great NewYear!
What will it take to finally be free?
Of false corporate consumerism holiday locust mentality.
Withdraw energetically...
Non-compliance, the solution is not rocket science!
How Marketers Manipulate Us: Psychological Manipulation in Advertising
Have lost a lot of weight and dropped two sizes in my clothing so I went to the store recently to get some new clothes. As I was standing in line waiting to check out the holiday music started playing and these words started to appear in my mind.
I share this not to disrespect anyones beliefs but to shine a light on the topic of human programming and how it is used by corporations to put people in a trance in order to influence consumer decisions through repetition and hypnosis. THEY seek to get us into the HOLY day spirit so we consume and spend more money by taking advantage of mostly false belief systems we have been indoctrinated into the majority of our lives.
Every day is a holiday to some degree because we are always presented with the opportunity to care, share, celebrate life and be kind. Why does it have to be in the name of Jesus who has been replaced by Santa and a host of other fictional characters while chopping down and putting up fake synthetic X-Mas trees?
The essence of the holiday has been hijacked and is now a corporate holiday that uses the skills of psychology and marketing mimicking dark magic/sorcery utilizing corporate sigils to “penetrate” our subconscious.
This to me is a form of coerced LEGAL psychological warfare that we experience daily but is amplified during these times of the year. If you think this statement is extreme think about the last time you were able to go anywhere without being bombarded with these types of messages penetrating your mind. We can hardly get gas these days without a screen at the pump penetrating us!
Digital sorcery is at an all time high and the only real way out is sending a message through non-compliance. Once again, the withdraw of energy to these days based primarily in ignorance is the key. Why continue to participate in “rituals” we know are mostly false? The real reason we continue is due to MIND CONTROL! Treat everyday like a holiday and do your best to celebrate and participate in the evolution of consciousness through acts of kindness, caring and sharing. This can be done in many ways and does not always have to be in the form of giving material possessions that have caused much imbalance of resources on the planet.
One of the most profound lessons we are being given at the moment is the opportunity to learn, is that of equanimity in all of its forms. How can we live a life of abundance yet remain in balance is the lesson unfolding. We cannot continue to consume at our current rate without the perpetuation of war and all the unnecessary suffering that comes with it! “Consumption is a personal choice” therefore can only be changed internally by such persons by breaking addictions, bad habits, actions and reprogramming the subconscious.
Would also be helpful if spiritual teachers who understand this stop promoting this type of behavior that they use mostly to enhance their own desires and greed capitalizing on the enhanced psychological warfare and hypnosis of the holiday season. Particularly Thanks Giving! What a joke that holiday has become. Everyday there is something to be grateful for, why participate in “sacrificial rituals” and sacrifice a turkey in an attempt to celebrate a time in history of genocide? If we are being true to the holiday lets celebrate the natives and honor them for the help they gave us so we can be here now. Yet, many involved in Standing Rock are facing jail time with the media hardly acknowledging it. Pardon them and not a turkey this year Trump!
So, if you still willfully choose to primarily celebrate Christ through the ritualistic consumption of material goods and not good actions it is certainly “your choice”. If indeed Christ lived and died as they say for our sins he might be looking at us thinking, “I forgive them for they still do not know what they do!”
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