Friday, December 29, 2017

The Appearence Of Reality & Mind In A Conscious Virtual Holographic Reality

Been thinking a lot lately about how it would be possible to live both in what appears to be a 2D earth, yet also appears to be a 3D reality in order to understand more about the possibilities of flat earth and how many have come to believe this.

What continued to pop into my head was the idea of virtual reality holographic theory as the best explanation at this time, now I stumble upon this upload that explains what I was thinking.

When we are playing a video game it is on a “flat” screen that gives the “appearance” of a 3D reality. Even though we know it is not a real 3D reality the “IN” “FORM”mation being presented through the “unified” communication/data involved within the systems creating the picture, our brain decodes and accepts it as a true 3D visual even though it is obvious we are looking at a flat screen.

Could be possible that in some ways the earth is flat yet spherical at the same time due to how we observe/decode the information underlying the construct of the universal schematic. Similar to how we decode information on a flat screen as 3D even though it is not. The main difference being we are “immersed” in the holographic virtual reality in which the act of observing it influences it, verses witnessing it from a distant vantage point externally in which we are certain of what it is and what is doing it.

Now we have virtual reality systems that emulate what we think of as reality even more clearly and defined. We know when we put those VR head sets on it is not a true reality yet get so immersed in it the mind forgets and when a missile from the game is flying at us we act as if we could really be damaged by it and do what we can to avoid it. We take the headset off and return to our so-called “REAL” virtual reality and go about our day.

The Matrix film allegory along with the Thirteenth Floor film are two of the best of our time I think will one day be proven true scientifically, or at least something very close to it (if we have not already proven it and the information is not being presented to the public). 

My personal perspective is that we are digitally immersed in a “Living” holographic conscious system with built in rules/laws to keep it in place and in balance designed for physical exploration, for various reasons. We are born/immersed into this arena of exploration and part of the process of taking on a body is forgetting who and what we were before coming through as a way to make the experience seem new and fresh even though we have played this game many times! We are also Co-participants and Creators in this with the SOURCE and can shape reality through the power of focused intent, thought, relaxation (self hypnosis), expectation, imagination, meditation (visualization) and feeling through the use of will. This is achieved by programming the mind through the subconscious and beliefs/ruling mental state while taking action. Understanding and exercising the Seven Hermetic Principles. Trial and error, Cause and Effect.
So, imagine if you will, being in a non-physical TRUE reality wanting to have an experience in another reality with physical attributes but the only way you get the play the game is by agreeing to forget your "true self" before you connect to the living virtual system that allows you to be completely in it while one of the goals of the game is to remember. Also, that we made certain agreements about experiences we wanted for our specific and collective education. Taking on a partially false identity as part of the character role/ego to learn these lessons and have certain experiences. Now imagine we have reached a point within that system where we are able to measure, test and explore this system with an accuracy not known until recently (at least in this version) of the simulation. This is where we are currently, and it feels strange yet familiar. Virtual beings exploring virtual reality realizing the similarities, in awe of it all, afraid yet curious as to what will come of it. Changing, yet staying the same...

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