Friday, August 25, 2017


Mark Christopher - Meet The Real Matrix Morpheus Of Today/Tricks And Traps Part 1



Part 2



Part 3

Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Message to Doctor Order Followers, Law Makers, Pharmacudical Industry, Scientist & Lobbyist

Many involved in the current healthcare system are in more denial than "ORDER FOLLOWERS" in Nuremberg trials! I am being guided to share this message to all of those just following orders in our current system without any thought of the moral consequences and damage done. You know who you are!

How easily we forget past tragedies! This particular event is still in our current and recent history yet many are either unaware, remain silent or in ignorance about it. Have been told we may see another type of Nuremberg trial in our lifetime if order followers continue to act blindly! Particularly those in the medical industry. Compare the number of deaths during this war to the needless amounts of pain, suffering and death caused by the FDA, pharmaceutical industry, medical industry and those who willfully “COMPLY” with it!

The doctors prescribing these pills, the lobbyist/legal bribery experts who pay for approval of these drugs and all those in the system itself who promote and do nothing to stop this horror are responsible and will have to one day be held accountable! Doctors in Illinois who refuse to help patients fill out a simple form to begin the applications process for medical cannabis and so forth. Those who do nothing to reverse immoral laws such as federalist who continue to keep cannabis illegal and classified as a controlled substance. Those who create ‘INSANE” laws that make it illegal for doctors to recommend natural raw food as medicine even though the Hippocratic foundation of medicine is built upon “RAW NATURE” and food, not synthetics. Many more examples but I will keep this short.

You are being encouraged to think about what you are doing and the consequences of your actions not only to the public, but yourself and families. Do not be at the “CAUSE” of ignorance but rather the “EFFECT” of right moral doing upon the human family. It is not too late if we begin to see the errors in our actions and do what we can to correct them. Your “CHOICES” do matter, “CHOOSE RIGHT ACTION!” Remember, “I WAS JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS AND COMPLYING WITH THE LAW” will not be a reasonable excuse (just as in this trial) and you will be found guilty! So, now that you know, the CHOICE is yours, the ball is in your court, what are you going to do??? Doctors have a lot of power, “UNITE” and use that power to take a stand against this type of ignorance and corruption! Or, continue participating in ignorance while capitalizing on trying to treat symptoms while doing harm. Be remembered as a hero, not a villain!

Documentary_Nuremberg Goerings Last Stand

Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right 

The "purposeful" suppression of healing technology is also grounds for guilt and will not escape the effect of the cause! "No sentient being" escapes natural law!

"The only cancer Rife could not seem to kill is greed!"

Friday, August 11, 2017

What The Health Film & My Physical Healing From Type II Diabetes

Starting to wonder about Joe Rogan! I did finally get around to watching the film “What The Health” and can speak from my personal experience over the last few years and now over ten months free from flesh this film is speaking the truth!

Will upload pictures of my changes when I am done accomplishing my goals. Have nearly reversed type II diabetes caused from taking seroquel brought to us by the scientism psychopaths @ astra zeneca for a sleeping disorder I use to have and am currently insulin free! Will also be uploading my blood work results for people to see.

Was more to it than quitting flesh and will tell the entire tale once I am ready.

There is a great book called “Medical Medium” by Anthony William I highly recommend.

Also, “Stop The Medicine” by Cynthia Foster MD.

From Medical Medium:

A poem I wrote About Aztra Zeneca:

Thursday, August 10, 2017

My Google Glasses Are Broke!!! GOOGLE CENSORSHIP

“He who controls the line/narrative influences public intention and focus thereby effecting collective and individual reality/perception. Ultimately influencing and controlling the current paradigm/zeitgeist.”

I ended my last blog entitled “NASA, SCIENTISM & TRUST, My Recent Visit To The Adler Planetarium In Chicago” with this final thought. Will add, they don’t gotta burn the books they just remove em! In the past, Religion extremist mostly did this, now it is scientism, corporate executives and other forms of extremist who wish to control the line/perception of reality through the lens of filtered google glasses controlling the narrative through what they deem factual or wish you to believe is factual!    

I could not have been provided with a better synchronistic example of this at the moment. Thank you source:)                

Personally, I think they are doing a test run to see how quickly this info gets out, to who it is getting out and who is sharing it to device a strategy and make decisions in how to accomplish this strategy or "ABANDON IT." To a certain level I find this very irritating on another level I feel much sadness for these individuals. Most people who behave in this manner have either never had or have completely lost their connection to source, one another and nature. Will be lighting some candles and sending thoughts and emotions of love for their awakening and healing.

Also see this as a sign of desperation, it means the truth is getting out about all the lies and corruption and now feel they MUST resort to creating rules to LIMIT this knowledge. Instead of “admitting wrong, apologizing, changing their behavior and embrace truth” they run from it in denial and fear! Will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

If anyone responsible for making big decisions for google stumbles upon this you might want to reconsider your plan if you have any consciousness and heart left within you. Think about cause and effect, and what the effect of your cause will be to yourself and family. Think about the big picture and what kind of world your children will be growing up in. Know that you have the power to influence the future, how will you use that power? Know that what you do to others you do to yourself. Know that your legacy will go down in history including the names of your families and all involved. How do you want to be remembered?

No matter what they do at this point in history to limit information all they can really do is slow down progress a bit. “IT IS COMING OUT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!” I suggest embracing it while you still have some time to enjoy it and be of help to society. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it!

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away."

Bill Hicks Censorship Documentary

Friday, August 4, 2017

NASA, SCIENTISM & TRUST, My Recent Visit To The Adler Planetarium In Chicago

It has been over 20 years since I have visited the Adler Planetarium and recently went back to check it out.

 As I was exploring I had the sensation that I was in some type of propaganda museum. There was a short time in which I accepted much of what was fed to us growing up in the Chicago public school system and even in the university I attended. Many teachers did not like me much because I asked the hard questions that required multiple perspectives to begin answering and they preferred answers in black or white in which some are. Mathematics mainly but even numbers can be abstract depending on interpretation and agenda. I pissed one teacher off so much that even when I was on the news and in the Chicago Sun Times paper for a study I did on theft and public honesty he gave me a B instead of a A! At that point I knew the university was a joke anyway so it did not bother me much.

A lot has changed in my life and mind since my last visit. Looking at the data presented in this museum after studying flat earth theory, propaganda, mind control techniques and conspiracy theories of the false moon landing most definitely had an impact upon how I was interpreting the presentation of so-called facts. Could not help thinking, “what if most of this is a lie?” “An elaborate ruse that even the most prolific stage illusionist could admire!” How could we know for certain if this is true or false?

If we factor in the fact that much of mainstream corporate/government sponsored science/SCIENTISM is supported by known criminals and psychopaths, how can we trust the data presented? This is ultimately what these organization want us to do...TRUST! Would you trust Al Capone with health advice? Maybe if you were part of his crew and on his good side! Do you really trust Neil De Grasse Tyson and Bill Nye? The only way they can gain the trust of the public these days is through propaganda and mind control! Apparently the techniques are still working very well.

Personally, I have much admiration and respect for science. Could not be typing these words on this amazing computer device if not for the calculations, creativity and measurements of science. However, from what I can gather at the moment it appears that much of mainstream science has been hijacked by people with very bad intentions. Some say the road to hell is full of good intentions. Well, If the choice is between good and bad intention I choose good intentions, however bad intentions sometimes turn out good and vice versa. Perhaps the good that will come out of our current bad is awareness.

When I look around any environment I am in I see the physical manifestation of INVISIBLE thoughts and intentions. What science cannot currently measure. Results/effects of the invisible realm of IMAGINATION, trial and error. This observation has influenced my current conclusion that the invisible realm is just as real as what we call physical reality. For, any invention to take physical shape and form started in the invisible imaginary realm of thought and intention made manifest through creativity, physical effort, trial and error. Yet, those in the religion of scientism frown upon these things and scorn people who choose to live in those realms as delusionary/mentaly ill. Some are perhaps if it limits your functionality in the so-called real world and causes your life to be full of sadness. They love these types of folks if they can use those imaginary creative thought skills to build weapons of mass destruction however! The MAD GENIUS!       

If you want to twist the mind of any scientism follower in regards to reality ask them this. Was the airplane real when it was in the minds of the creator before physical manifestation? Of course the answer is in how we define reality. To many scientism followers reality is a repeated consistent measurement and we know through the electromagnetic spectrum there is much more to what we think of as reality that may never be measurable. If we cannot properly define reality, how can we possibly be certain if what we do not persistently see and cannot measure is indeed not real? There is a language created for those who can see and feel more of the spectrum you can find in the scientific BIBLE called the DSM. They have even created, through science, a plethora of harmful medications to help those suffering from such so-called delusions!

There is a huge schism occurring at the moment. Particularly with those who are waking up and discovering the narrative we have been fed is not as credible as once believed. Not only within science but all narratives, particularly HIS STORY. The loss of credibility is a good thing for the masses. It is the beginning of the crumbling of ignorance and lies! The destruction of mental prisons purposefully created as a tool/weapon for control!

There is indeed a very thin line between fantasy and reality. A line that intersects from time to time creating newer versions of reality. They are one in the same, part of the rhythmic dance of creation, manifestation, life and death. One is not better than the other, both are necessary for the birth of new intentions. He who controls the line/narrative influences public intention and focus thereby effecting collective and individual reality/perception. Ultimately influencing and controlling the current paradigm/zeitgeist.