How easily we forget past tragedies! This particular event is still in our current and recent history yet many are either unaware, remain silent or in ignorance about it. Have been told we may see another type of Nuremberg trial in our lifetime if order followers continue to act blindly! Particularly those in the medical industry. Compare the number of deaths during this war to the needless amounts of pain, suffering and death caused by the FDA, pharmaceutical industry, medical industry and those who willfully “COMPLY” with it!
The doctors prescribing these pills, the lobbyist/legal bribery experts who pay for approval of these drugs and all those in the system itself who promote and do nothing to stop this horror are responsible and will have to one day be held accountable! Doctors in Illinois who refuse to help patients fill out a simple form to begin the applications process for medical cannabis and so forth. Those who do nothing to reverse immoral laws such as federalist who continue to keep cannabis illegal and classified as a controlled substance. Those who create ‘INSANE” laws that make it illegal for doctors to recommend natural raw food as medicine even though the Hippocratic foundation of medicine is built upon “RAW NATURE” and food, not synthetics. Many more examples but I will keep this short.
You are being encouraged to think about what you are doing and the consequences of your actions not only to the public, but yourself and families. Do not be at the “CAUSE” of ignorance but rather the “EFFECT” of right moral doing upon the human family. It is not too late if we begin to see the errors in our actions and do what we can to correct them. Your “CHOICES” do matter, “CHOOSE RIGHT ACTION!” Remember, “I WAS JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS AND COMPLYING WITH THE LAW” will not be a reasonable excuse (just as in this trial) and you will be found guilty! So, now that you know, the CHOICE is yours, the ball is in your court, what are you going to do??? Doctors have a lot of power, “UNITE” and use that power to take a stand against this type of ignorance and corruption! Or, continue participating in ignorance while capitalizing on trying to treat symptoms while doing harm. Be remembered as a hero, not a villain!
Documentary_Nuremberg Goerings Last Stand
Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right
The "purposeful" suppression of healing technology is also grounds for guilt and will not escape the effect of the cause! "No sentient being" escapes natural law!
"The only cancer Rife could not seem to kill is greed!"
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