Friday, August 11, 2017

What The Health Film & My Physical Healing From Type II Diabetes

Starting to wonder about Joe Rogan! I did finally get around to watching the film “What The Health” and can speak from my personal experience over the last few years and now over ten months free from flesh this film is speaking the truth!

Will upload pictures of my changes when I am done accomplishing my goals. Have nearly reversed type II diabetes caused from taking seroquel brought to us by the scientism psychopaths @ astra zeneca for a sleeping disorder I use to have and am currently insulin free! Will also be uploading my blood work results for people to see.

Was more to it than quitting flesh and will tell the entire tale once I am ready.

There is a great book called “Medical Medium” by Anthony William I highly recommend.

Also, “Stop The Medicine” by Cynthia Foster MD.

From Medical Medium:

A poem I wrote About Aztra Zeneca:

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