I ended my last blog entitled “NASA, SCIENTISM & TRUST, My Recent Visit To The Adler Planetarium In Chicago” with this final thought. Will add, they don’t gotta burn the books they just remove em! In the past, Religion extremist mostly did this, now it is scientism, corporate executives and other forms of extremist who wish to control the line/perception of reality through the lens of filtered google glasses controlling the narrative through what they deem factual or wish you to believe is factual!
I could not have been provided with a better synchronistic example of this at the moment. Thank you source:)
Personally, I think they are doing a test run to see how quickly this info gets out, to who it is getting out and who is sharing it to device a strategy and make decisions in how to accomplish this strategy or "ABANDON IT." To a certain level I find this very irritating on another level I feel much sadness for these individuals. Most people who behave in this manner have either never had or have completely lost their connection to source, one another and nature. Will be lighting some candles and sending thoughts and emotions of love for their awakening and healing.
Also see this as a sign of desperation, it means the truth is getting out about all the lies and corruption and now feel they MUST resort to creating rules to LIMIT this knowledge. Instead of “admitting wrong, apologizing, changing their behavior and embrace truth” they run from it in denial and fear! Will be interesting to see how this unfolds.
If anyone responsible for making big decisions for google stumbles upon this you might want to reconsider your plan if you have any consciousness and heart left within you. Think about cause and effect, and what the effect of your cause will be to yourself and family. Think about the big picture and what kind of world your children will be growing up in. Know that you have the power to influence the future, how will you use that power? Know that what you do to others you do to yourself. Know that your legacy will go down in history including the names of your families and all involved. How do you want to be remembered?
No matter what they do at this point in history to limit information all they can really do is slow down progress a bit. “IT IS COMING OUT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!” I suggest embracing it while you still have some time to enjoy it and be of help to society. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it!
"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away."
Bill Hicks Censorship Documentary
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