Saturday, December 29, 2018

Mental Atrophy

THEY keep, keeping up with the Cardassians!
Obsessed with, illusions, airbrushed models, sports, politics, religion and fashion!
Fashioning their minds into a MODEL Slave but THEY don’t MIND!
...So, THEY brush off internal self exploration in exchange for false acceptance!
Proving to me what is now obvious.
Mental atrophy at the highest degree!
Nature has NO RESPECT for the “willful refusal” to learn, adjust, adapt, evolve!
End times mystery solved!!! 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Breaking The SPELL Of Psychopath King James

Wanted to share this video as a prime example of how religious Mind Control can heavily taint truthful useful information.

I subscribed to him a while back because he puts out some interesting ideas and at a certain level is speaking Truth. However I have noticed a pattern of him bashing occult teachings, lumping everyone who practices the art into the same generalized category as Satanist or some type of evildoer.

Many Christians are still under “the Spell” of psychopath King James who brainwashed his followers to beLIEve (KJV) of Exod 22:18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, "and has been used by some contemporary ordinary Akan Christians in Ghana to justify praying for the death and destruction of witches and wizards.

Yet Christ said to love and forgive your enemies, to not murder. This spell is so powerful it is still harmfully effecting many Christians who choose to live in willful IGNORance and not do the research or practice required to know the occult is a “tool” to “be used wisely”as a benefit to self and others but some use it as a weapon! Just like some have twisted and rearranged words in the Bible to change the SPELLing influencing people to harm one another, using it as a weapon!

If you beLIEve this you have been divided and conquered just the way THEY like and want it! I challenge anyone under this spell to re-think it. Your beLIEfe is not allowing you to see any further than the filter of that beLIEf can process without overriding itself causing you pain and discomfort through cognitive dissonance. You beLIEve it so strongly that the mental firewall you have built to protect you from information that contradicts your beLIEfe is doing its job very well.

The true enemy of humans is IGNORance and beLIEf, not Knowledge and Wisdom which is what the occult offers. How one uses a tool is “their choice and responsibility”, do not blame the tool, blame that specific user. This is why I do not lump all Christians into one category and prejudge them. They are all different in one way or another, just like many other groups. These are identities and personalities fused with beLIEf, not reality.

Also note that many Christians light and stare into candles praying, participating in rituals on a daily. This is “magic” my friend. This is the occult, many of you have no idea that you are practicing a similar thing under a different name, worshiping a different being. I am also finding there are harmful occultist pretending to be Christians manipulating both sides. Those are the ones you should be concerned about.

So, I invite any so-called awake Christian to re-think that beLIFe if you seek to be at more peace with your brothers and sister on the planet. Or, carry on with a powerful SPELLing that has caused much pain, grief, sorrow, death, division and destruction. If your truly awake you will consider my words and do the work to find out the TRUTH. If your under Christian Mind Control you will be angry at my words, call me some type of evil Satanists or Sorcerer and automatically reject this information. The real problem with Mind Control is that "the CHOICE has already been made for those under Mind Control."

I challenge you to watch this film but I already know most won't and will automatically reject it claiming all of Hollywood is Satanic. Just a small part of your glorious Christian history you probably do not know about.


If your brave and willing to challenge your beLIEfs to KNOW THYSELF watch this.

We have psychopath King James to thank for this SPELLing as well!

Friday, December 21, 2018

The Role Of Cause And Effect In Our Current "What Is" Unfolding And What You Can Do

What we are witnessing unfold at the moment are the effects of prior causes. Of past decisions, individually and collectively, of ignoring Truth and choosing the lie. We are all responsible for the current effects in one way or another. Don’t be to hard on yourself though because we were born into the lie, it was taught to us by others who did what they had to in order to survive. Forgive all of that and move forward.

With eyes open now, we understand there is no separation, all is connected and we are part of a Divine Force we cannot currently fully comprehend acknowledging there is a way to live based in Divine Natural Law. The Seven Hermetic Principles, the navigation principles that govern our reality. That which transmutes chaos into order, hate into love, so on and so forth...

Little  of “True value” will manifest until the vast majority of humans understand and adjust their actions to live in more balance with the Law Of Cause And Effect. Knowing “without a doubt” WHAT I DO TO YOU I DO TO ME and honoring that. This is a vital understanding our times because the decisions we make now are the causes of future effects that will shape future “what is” moments for humans and quality of life. Change the cause, changes the effect.

The underlying cause of our current effects are a result of humans embracing the lie and choosing to live in willful IGNORance. There are many reasons we have chosen the lie but the main reason is that it pays well and gives us what we need to not only survive but also feed our habits, our pleasure while providing a sense of false security. We can see clearly now the results of those prior causal decisions.

It is not all our fault however, there are very harmful forces that have designed it this way to keep us trapped in sleepiness, slavery, ignorance and ill health. This is why it is important to understand the same information THEY are using against us. Understanding Natural Law not only helps us live more freely and in balance, it helps us to better defend ourselves from those who use occult knowledge as a weapon instead of a tool for freedom!

If we cannot understand and apply something as simple as Cause and Effect into our lives it matters not who we elect or how often we rearrange the furniture on the titanic before it finally sinks. We will see what happens in the video below over and over and over, in one form or another. It is a simple “choice” to embrace TRUTH or continue on with the LIE. What do you choose?

If you" seek to be more free" and live in balance with reality the playlist below will be of great help to you. If you are fine with slavery willfully ignore it.


Friday, November 23, 2018


















Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Holographic Universe Book By Michael Talbot

Access to holographic reality becomes experientially available when ones consciousness is freed from its dependence on the physical body. So long as one remains tied to the body and its sensory modalities, holographic reality at best can be an intellectual construct. When one (is freed from the body) one experiences it directly. That is why mystics speak about their visions with such certitude and conviction, while those who haven't experienced this realm for themselves are left feeling skeptical or even indifferent.

~Kenneth Ring, Ph.D.
  Life at Death

This book found me a couple years ago and I recently got the chance to finally read it. Many of the ideas presented in this book have been on my mind for a long time now so it was nice to read something that ties together so many fascinating topics with scientific data to support the claims being made.

Can feel a bit strange and weird at times as an experiencer so it is nice to know that there is actually valid scientific evidence starting to prove some of these theories and that we are not crazy! Finding that what we think of as reality makes much more sense with this model and in time will be accepted as Truth if mainstream science/scientism community can get its head out of its ass and accept the fact that we are indeed directly connected to a force of divine intelligence that we are part of and not separate from this Source and all of its creations.

The simple sad Truth is that science in its current form cannot be fully trusted due to it being hijacked by the criminally insane who exploit its use while keeping vital information from the public. They may already have this Truth but are not telling anyone. The last thing these type want is for the public to know any Truth that will empower us. So, time will tell...

In the meantime, we can practice techniques and silence our minds to KNOW some of this OURSELVES despite the attempts of scientism to discourage, make fun of and belittle us for doing so if we so CHOOSE.

Michael Talbot - Part 1 Complete- Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Yemen Group Focus Healing Candle To Enhance Aid And Healing

Wanted to share this focused healing candle with you so we may come together to increase this focus for the healing and replenishing of life to Yemen.

In case your unaware we do have the ability through “intentioned group focus” to either enhance or decrease the probability of outcomes. Some have called it the Maharishi Effect but what it boils down to is that indeed we are all connected and entangled energetically. Due to this entanglement we have the ability to “co-create reality and effect potential outcomes” through certain focused intentioned processes. When we do this in large numbers we increase the energy thus have a larger impact on the intended focused outcome. I have personally done this with a group of people so I know first hand how powerful it is and that it works. There is also some scientific data to support this, look up the global consciousness project I mention in my "Plant-Water-Global And Universal Consciousness" video I created partially on the subject. There have also been many successful experiments on how group meditation and prayer can impact the environment. To “KNOW” for “YOURSELF” it simply takes practice and focus and the belief it is possible. This is the positive aspect of the double edged sword of beLIEfe. For the person who believes “he can’t” do it is right and the person who believes “he can” do it is also right. Temporarily suspend any beLIEfs that this is not possible and practice believing it for a while and pay attention to what unfolds to see “any patterns of change” that let you know it is a result of your shift in beliefs. Once you see the connection of how belief effects reality you will then know what I say is True and can begin examining limited beliefs and making the conscious change to enhance them.


Before doing this first get relaxed, light some incense or do whatever works for you to get relaxed. Imagine you are safe and protected as well, declare your intention is to enhance life and that “only love” is welcomed in your presence.

One of the keys to this is knowing how to GENERATE the feelings to emote while in a state of focused outcomes. The Universe is responding to our feelings and beliefs mostly so we must generate the feeling that what we are seeking to accomplish is done and believe it or even know it is done. We can use music, movie clips, motivational speeches or the feelings of a time when we had such an experience to Generate the feelings needed to accomplish the goal. Experience what the sensations of “all your senses” are emoting while you Generate. The more we put into it the better the result.

I highly recommend watching this playlist of Gregg Braden on his book “Secrets Of The Lost Mode Of Prayer” that goes into much more detail on how to utilize this.

Spend some time Generating the feeling of aid pouring into Yemen! Of being assisted on all levels possible, physically, mentally, spiritually and financially! Get excited about it, how does it feel to know with your heart that all the help they need is there! It feels so good to know all those men, woman and children are getting clean fresh water, food, nutrients, nice shelter, care, and are being treated with respect and love! It feels wonderful doesn't it? I just felt a rush of peace while typing and thinking about it.

I created this particular alter for this type of work. Can create your own and personalize it for yourself. This one came together slowly over the years.

This particular candle is for Yemen but we can do this for anything we wish to enhance or decrease. Feel free to use this candle for that purpose. The more the better. There is much more but wanted to keep this as simple as possible for those just discovering their natural abilities. For all of those of you who know and are already doing this, thank you very much!!!

Considering starting a focused intention group for this type of work, will let you know if and when. Doing this to decrease the possibility of 5G rolling out without proper scientific testing would be a wise focus at the moment!

The Power Of Group Meditation On The Environment

Plant-Water-Global And Universal Consciousness

Thursday, November 1, 2018

What Are We Going To Do About 5G?

While the “publics attention” is being directed at mostly nonsense one of the biggest threats to our existence is being rolled out and mostly “ignored” by our politicians and mainstream media who willfully choose to live in IGNORance. It is interesting how when the FDA and certain governmental organizations want to keep “something useful” from the public like cannabis away, THEY always use the excuse that MORE SCIENCE is needed before we can proceed. Then THEY delay and limit research on those very same issues to “keep control” over the situation. This is the method used to keep cannabis a schedule 1 substance and remains so to this day despite the evidence of its very limited negative affects and primarily ignoring the useful medical affects! However, when THEY want to push something onto the public that is "unhealthy" THEY claim SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE is not needed to properly make a “wise decision” for the public. Anyone with a fraction of intelligence should be able to see through this scam. Unless of course your under some form of Mind Control and no amount of evidence, logic or reason will contribute to your understanding. Mind Controlled people either completely dismiss important information or completely ignore it until it becomes a personal life threatening situation and they are forced to figure out a solution. This is when the Mind Control will begin to lose its grip and eyes start to open. I am not anti-technology, we need a certain amount of it now to function as a society. The main problem “infecting” us at the moment is the overuse of certain technologies that already cause harm and the ever increasing development of that very same technology with little regards to future effects. WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO IGNORE THIS! There has to be a way to make this technology more balanced and organic. Would be very wise to put our top minds together to figure out how to develop a safer version of this technology. If we do not do this now while we still have the option before rolling it out we are not only foolish but will have to deal with the effects of the cause in a way that will be horrific! Heed these words while we can. The CHOICE is OURS.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

CEO (What You Are To Us) Part 1

Allow me to introduce myself...

A brief introduction to your education...bring awareness to your indoctrination.
We control your frequency so it's difficult to see-the truth...and change the station.
This is why you are trapped in a constant state of-redundant mental masturbation!

Don’t even think about meditation!

We don’t want you to know, we don’t want you to see, that you are SOURCE ENERGY inside a body! A powerful being!

On lock down-cell bound-trapped in a square room trying to figure out why its round!


Don’t worry cause I’m the CEO of your fucking life!   
I have control...the truth cuts like a knife!
I will-keep you comfortable...dark sorcery distractions delight!
Bombard you-with subliminal messages you cannot fight! 
Comfort you-with addictions that temporarily make you feel right!

I will collect a fee for your corporate sponsored paid slavery...bitch! 

All you are to me is property!
All you are to me is property!!  

Introduction over...on to the next scene...

Friday, October 12, 2018

Voltage & Healing - The Physics Of Emotion & Cell Regeneration

Chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work.

Nutrient deficiencies play a role in this as well.

What does it take to make a new cell that works?

We have to have all the nutrients to make a new cell.

Emotions are trapped in the body by electromagnetic fields.

The majority of chronic disease begins as an emotional event and that emotion is an electromagnetic field that starts blocking the circuit by getting caught in one of the teeth and as it does so it begins to lower the voltage in the tooth.

One of the most powerful things we can do for cell regeneration is to SIMPLY add "high quality nutrients" back into our body. The vast majority of people on the planet are walking around with dental issues and nutrient deficiencies. Combine that with high levels of stress and all the damage that has been done to the environment, soil, food, water, air, medical, educational and the constant psychological warfare campaign being waged against us and you get the current effects we see unfolding now.

Supplementation is KEY to combating this but it has to be high quality. This is one of the main reasons I was able to become insulin free!

Another method I find very helpful is using Reiki to clear energy that has become stuck in my field. I take in a lot of other peoples drama and get drained from some of my research so this is very helpful in clearing all of that. When I perform a Reiki session on myself I set the intention to clear all harmful energies at all levels of my being while aligning and strengthening the Chakras. It is very powerful and helpful. Might want to consider familiarizing yourself on the subject and take a course, well worth the money.

For those interested in learning more about what I used to be insulin free and drop over 40lbs click the link below I created. Feel free to contact me with any questions at


Sunday, September 16, 2018


I CHOOSE, to be, in the moment - focused on heart based decisions!

I CHOOSE, to be, highly receptive to Source Energy with lazer like precision!

I CHOOSE, to be, Connected to earth!

I CHOOSE, to be, in a relationship with mental re-birth!

I CHOOSE, to be, centered, balanced and tethered!

I CHOOSE, to be, in thought...light as a feather!

I CHOOSE, to be, focused on what matters most!

I CHOOSE, to be, in touch with my higher self inner host!

I CHOOSE, to be, in alignment with NATURAL LAW!

I CHOOSE, to be, a value to society!

I CHOOSE, to be, intuitively!

I CHOOSE, to break free from familiarity!

I CHOOSE to be in clarity!

I CHOOSE, to be, what’s considered strange!

I CHOOSE, to be, an instrument of change!

I CHOOSE, to build something new instead of, Re-Arrange!

I CHOOSE to, acknowledge the intelligent life force within stars!
I CHOOSE to, smile at strangers!
I CHOOSE to, notice energy patterns in between spaces!
I CHOOSE to, inform people they are about to fall if they don’t tighten their laces!

I CHOOSE, to dare!
I CHOOSE, to look upon life without glare!
I CHOOSE, to be prepared!

I CHOOSE, to TRUST, the symphony of life unfolding that I cannot fully comprehend...
For the best and worst, feeling as if in the hands of a lost best friend.

Feeling as if, whatever was worth it!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

In Honor Of Alex Jones - Censorship & Modern Day Slavery

Sharing this video in honor of what just happened to Alex. I certainly did not agree with everything he said but he was correct about many things.

Censorship in a so-called free country is a crime against humanity! Love or hate him, the actions taken against him prove what many of us have come to already know is True in regards to mainstream media and the "legal" psychological warfare campaign being waged against the public.

This should come as no surprise when you realize the type of people we are dealing with. "The sleep walkers are severely and Truly mentally ill". Only horrific tragedy will awaken them! Let them sleep walk until the time comes for their eyes to open. Let the dead bury the dead!

This is ultimately a blessing in disguise. For the decisions makers are in fear, blinded by greed and ignorance. They do not have the ability to see far into the future due to such fear, greed and ignorance therefore do not realize THEY have actually helped the conscious awareness movement by this decision.

Fortunately there are many other social media sites in place and developing at the moment. I am slowly moving over to another site right now. In the meantime, enjoy the mainstream media freak show while THEY continue to shoot themselves in the foot! In time and as more awaken, the Truth will be undeniable and the changes we seek will fall into place. Many are laughing and celebrating at the moment, THEY are in for a very rude awakening!

As of now I do not support Alex Jones at all! He has been compromised and is untrustworthy! A tragedy considering the good he has done for a short time and the good he could have done if he did not sell out and become a statist! Censorship is wrong regardless, no being should ever be censored even if THEY are lying or misinformed. We have the choice to not listen, we do not need the criminally insane to protect us from false information. THEY put enough of that out already!

The Legalization Of Crime Within The Health Care Industry - Rockefeller Medicine

Taking doctors to court for Curing people, go team USA!

Where are the real patriots at who "took an oath" to defend citizens from terrorist, foreign and DOMESTIC?

Since many soldiers have been conditioned like we condition dogs to obey and "follow orders" regardless of if it is wrong, they do not act because "acting would require an order" and the Criminally Insane they serve will never issue orders for their own arrest. Soldiers and law enforcement primarily exist to protect psychopaths, not the public.

The LEGALIZATION of crime in favor of corporate/government criminals is so perverse that even if a soldier or law enforcement officer has an awakening and attempts to arrest or in some way detain known "legal criminals", the soldier or law enforcement officer will be considered the criminal and unpatriotic!

I know ex soldiers at the moment I love dearly who admit the government is corrupt yet still support them by putting up flags on their vehicles and home. This is how powerful Mind Control is! The cognitive dissonance is too much to handle therefore remain bound in willful ignorance.

This is why it is vital to self educate and make the changes to your health, yourself.

One of the characteristics of a psychopath is to deny Truth despite the evidence, particularly all truths that prove them false. THEY will go to any length regardless of the harm it causes to protect themselves.

Friday, August 3, 2018

What I Have Learned About Healing - A Short Summary

I do not generally like to give much advice because there are many things we must learn on our own from trial and error (direct experience) but felt this is important for those on the healing path.

What I have come to learn from my own trial and error on this journey of recover and healing is information can have a positive or negative impact on your health. The data you take in is vital to how your mind and brain effect the body.

As a seeker of Truth, Knowledge and Wisdom I take in as much data as I can handle until it becomes too much then I rest to let it process. Fortunately I have the time to do this at the moment, better said, I make the time to do it because I am passionate about understanding the human condition and what we can do to lessen the burdens of it as a society. Knowledge is indeed power, what we do with the knowledge is either wisdom or foolishness.

That being said, if you are suffering from any type of severe physical or mental malady it will be wise to cut off all studies of any material that upsets you. Run from the news like a plague! Do not watch it, cut off any research into the dark aspects of reality until your in a place mentally and physically to better handle the data and process it without harming yourself.

The main reasons I was able to handle it is because I have tools like artistic expression and working out physically along with meditation to manage the anger and stress that comes with this type of research. A healthy diet and spiritual practice is a must as well when diving that deep! Releasing toxic people/energy vampires from your life is a must as well, even if you love them. They will only drain you of your vital resources and energy while making little or no progress to their own well being because they do not really want to change, they primarily seek attention.

I would have made much better progress and healed more quickly if I had cut this information out. I do not regret my decision because I learned a valuable lesson I would like to pass on to you. Spend your valuable time focused primarily on the development of your mind and in doing so will positively effect your body. All change starts at the level of mind, then heart, next body. Approach healing with a laser like focus avoiding the temptations of information that will drain and decrease health.

The Truth will indeed help set you free but it comes with a price! The current Truth about our reality is vile and sick indeed! What we do to one another is nearly unfathomable, depressing and heartbreaking, words cannot fully capture the totality.

Read books and watch films that inspire you! Watch a lot of comedies, get into nature as much as you can, connect with Great Mother Earth and develop a relationship with The Source Of All!

If you are indeed sincere and committed to healing so you can be a real channel of change within self and society heed these words as you would a new born baby. I love you all very much and know for a fact you have the power and ability to positively effect the changes you seek, never give up and never listen to anyone who attempts to NOCEBO effect you, run from these people! Especially doctors who do not speak of holistic remedies and want you to be on synthetics for the rest of your life! Many blessing, good health and good fortune to you!

VPN Users Are Being Blocked By Yahoo & Other Services

VPN users are now being blocked by sites like Yahoo! Recently went to log into my Yahoo account to check my email and received this message.

I kept trying to login to no avail when it occurred to me it might be because I have a VPN so I logged out of the VPN service I use and Yahoo then allowed me to access their site and sign in.

Pass this on and boycott any services that do not allow VPN users. THEY will most likely claim it is for security reasons but the real reason is THEY can't keep track of your data for monitoring purposes and suggest advertisements that suite your personal desires. To spy and sell your data, these psychopathic vulture capitalist are obsessed with the control of information and spying so this is no surprise!

It is a sign of desperation! The best way to be free of parasites is starving them so withdraw energetically so THEY can no longer feed on you!

Will be switching emails soon and boycotting all services that do not support the right to privacy and protection of data.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Lorenzo's Oil Film

Love at its highest degree! Was recently recommended this film to watch and it has shown up in my life at the perfect time.

A prime example of the bureaucracy and corruption of scientism limited by government and what people can accomplish when working together on a goal.

If I had listened to these educated fools I would have given up a long time ago!

What these parents accomplished through persistence and "not taking no" for an answer is truly inspiring!

Also a prime example of how being in a complete state of neutrality would have caused harm and lead to little or no solution increasing suffering.

Don't give up, there is always a solution!


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Dr. StealGood

I know this doctor, he’s so pathetic!
Claims John Of God...yet, pimps synthetics!

He reminds me of the Vatican!
Shinny and polished on the outside...
Slithering internally sad again!

Got an Obama medical award on his wall!
With a staff faker than Oprah!

More synthetic than the synthetics they sell!
With a spiritual practice that taste worst than rotten overcooked okra!

He likes to give out chocolate as he welcomes you...
A magic trick to subdue!

“How have you been feeling?” He asks, not so well that’s why I am here dumb ass!

Is what I always wanted to say but I trusted and kind of liked the guy regardless anyway.

As the years  passed not a mention of any holistic remedies.
Even had the nerve to nocebo effect me stating I would never reverse Diabetes!

Insulin for life was his mantra...
Insulin free now bitch - your medical standards are outdated like NES and Contra!

How does it feel, to know, your lower than the lowest...of low?
You can’t know because your under FDA Mind Control!

You go to places that the devil wouldn’t even go!
Your better off on the streets selling blow!
Either way, in the end, you will still have nothing to show!

At your funeral I will wear a clown nose!
In your casket  leave a reverse black rose!
Take a selfie of you and I, in black and white - wide angle fish lens effect pose! 
For later use!

Piss on your grave every full moon! 
Write poems about you that will transcend the after life and every life to follow!
Your children’s children's grand children will even laugh at you!

Change their last name to blend in with the public!
Ashamed of what you became and that you even bought banana republic!

Whenever I brought up natural remedies you changed the subject!

Didn’t even read any of the books or watched any of the DVD’s I gave you!
That’s too bad cause they, could have saved you!

Now, boiling in your own self created - flouridated genetically modified synthetic processed beef stew!

With a, dash of repent, sprinkle of resent, splash of tragic arrogance too big for your own mouth to swallow!

Choking on regret, know what follows!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Out Of Mind Out Of Sight

It is easier to run than to work things out
Easier to escape, when in doubt
Out of site out of mind

Insite despite - outside influences delight-fully shines rays of the in-between upon me

A sliver of truth reveals what my eyes cannot see

Out of mind out of sight...

Saturday, July 7, 2018


The Divine Protection of TRUTH surrounds me and ALL CONSCIOUS REVOLUTIONARIES!

IMPENETRABLE only by the SOURCE of Creation Itself!

The TRUTH of Protection "Returns ALL Harmful Wills" to Sender in Purpose!

Reflecting back brighter than the brightest SUN!

Returning "THEM" home safely, guided by the wisdom of LOVE!

To learn and grow in the highest degree!

Leaving me be...


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Mental Health In A Machiavelli Health Care Industry - Language, Definitions & Law - Who Is Truly Sick?

Wanted to express some thoughts and feelings on a topic hardly anyone wants to address yet is vital at the moment. Mental illness and the healthcare industry. There is still a whole lot of ignorance surrounding this issue I would like to shine a little light on because if we don’t start a real public dialog on this now in a attempt to prevent harmful future effects, the next generation will pay dearly!

I know this topic makes most people uncomfortable but if we want real change “like many claim” we have to get over that feeling.

As you read this paper pay attention to the language and see if you can recognize who the language and definitions benefit most. Once you figure that out it will be easy to see through the corruption. Have included some statements below as an example. However, to fully realize is to have looked into the topic of healthcare from many perspectives, research and experience.

  • Language and definitions limit understanding however are necessary to have some understanding/expression.

  • Insurance companies that do not include natural organic options for treatment will always fail!

  • Interpretation of law in a language designed to entrap/enslave will continue to delay human evolution.

They can’t even fully agree on what a mental illness is and exactly how to treat it. "Not very scientific" yet the DSM is used as a tool to attempt a accurate description. For those who have not figured it out yet, the DSM exist primarily to justify the legal use of scientifically created synthetic psychiatric medications that mainly destroys life verses enhancing it. To supposedly treat symptoms instead of getting at the heart of the problem to heal. 

 Mental Illness—As Defined by the States

Although the ACA requires that all insurance plans within its
scope provide coverage for mental-health treatments, it does not
specifically define “mental illness.”130 States have defined mental
illness in several different ways due to the lack of direction from the
federal government.131 For example, Arkansas defines “mental
 122. Id.
123. Id. at 267.
124. HHS Rules, supra note 116, at 68,267.
125. See id. at 68,242.
126. Chamberlin, supra note 113, at 267.
127. Id.
128. Id.
129. Id.
130. See id. at 260.
131. Id. 
286 Michigan State Law Review 2016
illness” as all mental illnesses and disorders that are listed in the
International Classification of Diseases Manual (ICD)132 and the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).133 On
the other hand, Iowa law mandates insurance coverage for only
“biologically based mental illness,”134 which includes a list of the
following: schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, major depressive
disorders, schizo-affective disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
pervasive developmental disorders, and autistic disorders.135
However, Iowa law excludes mental disorders such as anorexia.136
Finally, Maryland does not specifically define “mental illness,” but
provides that insurance benefits are required “only for expenses
arising from the treatment of mental illnesses, emotional disorders,
drug abuse, or alcohol abuse” if a health care provider deems the
illness or disorder as treatable and the treatment is “medically
necessary.”137 Since states define mental illness in different ways, the
availability of mental-health benefits may depend on where an
individual resides.13

Medical Necessity

The HHS rules interpreting the ACA vaguely
define “medical necessity” as “[h]ealth care services or supplies
needed to prevent, diagnose or treat an illness, injury, disease or its
symptoms and that meets “ACCEPTED STANDARDS OF MEDICINE.”161

As a result, the determinations of
which treatments constitute a “medical necessity” are made by
insurers and not by physicians.

How an insurer defines medical
necessity can have a large impact on what treatments an individual
can afford.177 Due to the high costs of medical care for both physical
and mental disorders, whether an individual receives treatment that is
deemed necessary by a physician is heavily influenced by the
availability of insurance coverage.178

The term “medical necessity” is defined in various ways by
states, physicians, and insurance companies.188 As a result, courts,
physicians, and insurance companies may disagree as to what
treatments constitute a “medical necessity,” which leads to claim
denials and even expensive litigation.189 Without more guidance from
the HHS, this disparate treatment will likely continue at the expense
of mental-health-treatment access.

Insurance primarily covers harmful synthetics, dangerous hospital/doctor care and surgeries. The relationship between insurance, doctors, government and pharmaceutical companies is not only harming, but also severely limiting humanity! 

I hate to be the bearer of bad news for those of you just discovering how sick and corrupt modern medicine has become, however the established and “ACCEPTED STANDARDS OF MEDICINE.” are murdering millions of people world wide every year with little incentive to stop because the laws have been set up to mostly protect the corruption. In all fairness, some of these standards are a service to humanity but the current imbalance is "well beyond Aushwitz" at this point! On the other hand, most diseases and health issues are preventable with a proper high density nutritious diet along with vitamin, essential fatty acids and mineral supplementation. Since we have mostly been mislead by the corrupt FDA and other corporate members of the criminally insane, it is easy to see how many of us fell into this trap and are now paying dearly for it. 

"Willful ignorance" on the part of the general public also contributes to this crisis. Far too many people still even refuse to look at data that would assist them in increasing overall health. Does not help any of us as well that our food, water, air and soil has been purposefully tainted! Not to mention the psychological warfare campaign being waged against us and vaccines. Furthermore, since most people cannot afford treatment other than what is offered by insurance, they are limited to those limited options. It will be the same old deadly song and dance until there is a balance between natural and synthetic options available through insurance. Or, until people figure out they don’t even need insurance if they take proper care of themselves. Perhaps when enough people cancel their insurance and use that money to buy the right food and nutrients while having a physical routine and spiritual practice, these companies and governments will take notice and make the required changes. 

One thing I have noticed during my ongoing research on these topics is the lack of attention given to the correlation between nutrient deficiencies and mental health. For a quick example check the link below. Specifically notice the limited treatment options and summary. Not a single mention of nutrition or homeopathic remedies. It makes sense though if you understand that the base claim science is making is that mental illness is a result of a chemical imbalance requiring synthetics to correct or at least minimize that imbalance. So nutrition is not on the table of discussion as a possibility for treatment, merely a secondary option. These folks are suppose to be helping the mentally ill, not promoting treatments that cause harm like synthetics. But hey, those are “ACCEPTED STANDARDS OF MEDICINE.” so they must be safe! 

The Health Scare industry is a "protected" self policing monopoly! Essentially a LEGAL gang and gang members look out for one another! Far worst than any street gang, organized crime syndicate or even madmen like Hitler!
But hey, its all legal! Public Enemy #1

When you come to the True realization that all of this and much more is part of the population control program all the pieces come together. But hey, its just a little white collar crime and we should just go about our day in silence, pretending!


Medical Perspective with Dr. Glidden - We Need A Free Medical Market

The criminally insane have no respect for facts, reason, logic, law, evidence or anything else of value unless they can use it to benefit themselves. Always keep that in mind when attempting to understand why they continue on with the same behavior. THEY JUST CAN'T HELP IT AT THIS POINT!

Monday, May 7, 2018


For those still under the Oprah Spell that may be getting offended that I created a collection called “Maybe Oprah Will Do A Show On It” , let me explain a bit.

First, I am not an Oprah hater. She has done some great things and for that I solute her. Am just a bit at odds with celebrity gods using their power of influence to mislead the public while making tons of cash in the process. 

I was recently out and came across a Oprah magazine and decided to look through it to see if much has changed and it appears to have gotten worst! As you can see from the pictures Oprah is actually taking money and essentially profiting from p"h"armaceutical pimps like AztraZeneca! The same company responsible for many people (including myself) of becoming a type II diabetic while remaining jail free as the product continues to sell. They just paid out a “very small” settlement. Check the links below for more on that. 

Suppose the question we should be asking is, why is Oprah (who claims to care about humanity) not only promoting for these types of companies by putting them in her work, but profiting from them as well? How can someone who projects herself to the world as a highly aware “caring” sentient being “not know” about the damage this industry has and is currently causing? Suppose the ultimate question knowing what we know now is, can she be trusted? 

If she is aware of the actions by companies like AztraZeneca then I lean more toward not trusting the information she is putting out. Considering the lawsuits against Aztrazeneca is of public knowledge and can easily be accessed. A highly evolved consciously aware being “claiming to care” would surely do their homework on any company they are taking money from and promoting. I highly doubt she needs the money that bad as to do business with known psychopaths! 

Even if she is presenting some useful information, is she worth pursuing for that information when we can find it ourselves without being bombarded by the types of ignorant, dangerous and misleading advertisements in her publications?

I call WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING! No “Truly” aware caring sentient being would be involved in any way shape or form with known corporate psychopaths unless they are trying to heal them! Those under the Oprah Spell will despise these words but that is a normal reaction when presented with information that contradicts what one believes to be true. Cognitive dissonance can be very painful but worth re-thinking the data to make a more informed and healthy decision. I break my own heart at least once a month doing it. Much to be un-learned when de-programming. 

The best thing she can do at this point is “issue a public apology” for her actions and “remove all advertisements” that do not align with what she is claiming to be, only “if” she truly cares. Best thing we can do is withdraw energetically from her work and seek the sources of valued materials/data to implement into our life and support them directly.

Absolutely Oprah!

Just a few side effects

(Trust The FDA...Sleep!)