Friday, December 29, 2017

The Appearence Of Reality & Mind In A Conscious Virtual Holographic Reality

Been thinking a lot lately about how it would be possible to live both in what appears to be a 2D earth, yet also appears to be a 3D reality in order to understand more about the possibilities of flat earth and how many have come to believe this.

What continued to pop into my head was the idea of virtual reality holographic theory as the best explanation at this time, now I stumble upon this upload that explains what I was thinking.

When we are playing a video game it is on a “flat” screen that gives the “appearance” of a 3D reality. Even though we know it is not a real 3D reality the “IN” “FORM”mation being presented through the “unified” communication/data involved within the systems creating the picture, our brain decodes and accepts it as a true 3D visual even though it is obvious we are looking at a flat screen.

Could be possible that in some ways the earth is flat yet spherical at the same time due to how we observe/decode the information underlying the construct of the universal schematic. Similar to how we decode information on a flat screen as 3D even though it is not. The main difference being we are “immersed” in the holographic virtual reality in which the act of observing it influences it, verses witnessing it from a distant vantage point externally in which we are certain of what it is and what is doing it.

Now we have virtual reality systems that emulate what we think of as reality even more clearly and defined. We know when we put those VR head sets on it is not a true reality yet get so immersed in it the mind forgets and when a missile from the game is flying at us we act as if we could really be damaged by it and do what we can to avoid it. We take the headset off and return to our so-called “REAL” virtual reality and go about our day.

The Matrix film allegory along with the Thirteenth Floor film are two of the best of our time I think will one day be proven true scientifically, or at least something very close to it (if we have not already proven it and the information is not being presented to the public). 

My personal perspective is that we are digitally immersed in a “Living” holographic conscious system with built in rules/laws to keep it in place and in balance designed for physical exploration, for various reasons. We are born/immersed into this arena of exploration and part of the process of taking on a body is forgetting who and what we were before coming through as a way to make the experience seem new and fresh even though we have played this game many times! We are also Co-participants and Creators in this with the SOURCE and can shape reality through the power of focused intent, thought, relaxation (self hypnosis), expectation, imagination, meditation (visualization) and feeling through the use of will. This is achieved by programming the mind through the subconscious and beliefs/ruling mental state while taking action. Understanding and exercising the Seven Hermetic Principles. Trial and error, Cause and Effect.
So, imagine if you will, being in a non-physical TRUE reality wanting to have an experience in another reality with physical attributes but the only way you get the play the game is by agreeing to forget your "true self" before you connect to the living virtual system that allows you to be completely in it while one of the goals of the game is to remember. Also, that we made certain agreements about experiences we wanted for our specific and collective education. Taking on a partially false identity as part of the character role/ego to learn these lessons and have certain experiences. Now imagine we have reached a point within that system where we are able to measure, test and explore this system with an accuracy not known until recently (at least in this version) of the simulation. This is where we are currently, and it feels strange yet familiar. Virtual beings exploring virtual reality realizing the similarities, in awe of it all, afraid yet curious as to what will come of it. Changing, yet staying the same...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Holiday Hypnosis


The holiday hypnosis has begun!

That time of year when Santa replaces the sun/son!

Corporate holiday jingles on repeat!
The rhythmic sounds of holidays past.
Locust consumerism mentality vibrations of self defeat!

Holiday hypnosis-reminding me of dark sorcery halitosis!

Music re-mixes of past holiday hypnosis to keep it fresh!
He who gives the most is the best!

Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks everything in sight!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks with all his might!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Swift as can be!
Rudolph the big dick reindeer!
Fucks our mentality!

...And Santa says, “Rudolph with your big fully erect red cock so us sell some goods tonight!"
Kriss Kringle jingle for “synthetic” Astrotheology holiday, knocks us out like punch from...Cassius Clay!
Rudolphs cock penetrates us subconsciously!
Constantly, thrusting in and out of your brain, from the airwaves, internet and TV!

Mental obesity!

Hard to escape like running from air...
The jingles surround us...they are everywhere!

The abominable snowman jerks off with both hands cumming on Jack and Frosty!
The Nut Cracker did just that!
The ghost of X-Mas “past” is back but could not stay “present”
Santas helpers stole all the high fructose cookies and presents!
Washed them down with plastic bottled microwaved milk eating cheese with casomorphin!
While Sack Man smoked a fat “sack” of crack-“man” and stole your children!

Joy to the world, the deals are here!
Joy to the world, Fridays painted in black are near!
Joy to the world, like gerbaling and Richard Gere!

Santas got his “Claws” in ya!
“Ginger” cost a lot of “bread” and did not help “man”
The Grinch stole my Budweiser sweater!
Why do we act like, the equivalent of-consumerism Son Of Sam?

The holiday hypnosis is here
Carve a turkey
Drink a lot of beer
Spend a lot of money
Praise false idols
Celebrate consumerism
Have a great NewYear!

What will it take to finally be free?
Of false corporate consumerism holiday locust mentality.
Withdraw energetically...

Non-compliance, the solution is not rocket science!

How Marketers Manipulate Us: Psychological Manipulation in Advertising

Have lost a lot of weight and dropped two sizes in my clothing so I went to the store recently to get some new clothes. As I was standing in line waiting to check out the holiday music started playing and these words started to appear in my mind.

I share this not to disrespect anyones beliefs but to shine a light on the topic of human programming and how it is used by corporations to put people in a trance in order to influence consumer decisions through repetition and hypnosis. THEY seek to get us into the HOLY day spirit so we consume and spend more money by taking advantage of mostly false belief systems we have been indoctrinated into the majority of our lives.

Every day is a holiday to some degree because we are always presented with the opportunity to care, share, celebrate life and be kind. Why does it have to be in the name of Jesus who has been replaced by Santa and a host of other fictional characters while chopping down and putting up fake synthetic X-Mas trees?

The essence of the holiday has been hijacked and is now a corporate holiday that uses the skills of psychology and marketing mimicking dark magic/sorcery utilizing corporate sigils to “penetrate” our subconscious.

This to me is a form of coerced LEGAL psychological warfare that we experience daily but is amplified during these times of the year. If you think this statement is extreme think about the last time you were able to go anywhere without being bombarded with these types of messages penetrating your mind. We can hardly get gas these days without a screen at the pump penetrating us!

Digital sorcery is at an all time high and the only real way out is sending a message through non-compliance. Once again, the withdraw of energy to these days based primarily in ignorance is the key. Why continue to participate in “rituals” we know are mostly false? The real reason we continue is due to MIND CONTROL! Treat everyday like a holiday and do your best to celebrate and participate in the evolution of consciousness through acts of kindness, caring and sharing. This can be done in many ways and does not always have to be in the form of giving material possessions that have caused much imbalance of resources on the planet.

One of the most profound lessons we are being given at the moment is the opportunity to learn, is that of equanimity in all of its forms. How can we live a life of abundance yet remain in balance is the lesson unfolding. We cannot continue to consume at our current rate without the perpetuation of war and all the unnecessary suffering that comes with it! “Consumption is a personal choice” therefore can only be changed internally by such persons by breaking addictions, bad habits, actions and reprogramming the subconscious.

Would also be helpful if spiritual teachers who understand this stop promoting this type of behavior that they use mostly to enhance their own desires and greed capitalizing on the enhanced psychological warfare and hypnosis of the holiday season. Particularly Thanks Giving! What a joke that holiday has become. Everyday there is something to be grateful for, why participate in “sacrificial rituals” and sacrifice a turkey in an attempt to celebrate a time in history of genocide? If we are being true to the holiday lets celebrate the natives and honor them for the help they gave us so we can be here now. Yet, many involved in Standing Rock are facing jail time with the media hardly acknowledging it. Pardon them and not a turkey this year Trump!

So, if you still willfully choose to primarily celebrate Christ through the ritualistic consumption of material goods and not good actions it is certainly “your choice”. If indeed Christ lived and died as they say for our sins he might be looking at us thinking, “I forgive them for they still do not know what they do!”

Friday, October 20, 2017


If you seek to truly understand what is currently occurring politically read this. Not much has changed aside from the technology "THEY" use to implement such ideas. 

This would be an excellent read for the Oprah book club!

Sunday, October 15, 2017


My Mind starts to crash-the moment I try to grasp-the totality of the Infinite Nebulous Vast!

The Wonder of Wonders

The twinkling stars in the night sky that are ALIVE
The sweet Electricity
The flow of IT ALL

That which we came and will return...

The Ultimate Artists

The “ALL”
That “IS”
We “ARE”

Playing with form
Forever more...

Saturday, September 30, 2017

My Experience With CBD & What I Have Come To Find About Illinois Cannabis Program/Doctor Ignorance

Have been using full spectrum CBD for about 3 months now and am very impressed! If you want to use cannabis legally in Illinois you are “forced” to go through a criminal background check, pay large sums of money and get fingerprinted. I refuse to be treated in such a manner so I have been researching and finally decided to get some CBD because it is legal.

What I essentially found talking to doctors about the subject of medical cannabis is a lot of ignorance, denial and indoctrinated order following sellouts with no intention on doing anything that does not fit within their limited educational programming. Also, many doctors/hospitals are in a relationship with the federal government and take money from them so now they are obligated to follow federal orders or risk losing funding. Nine out of thirteen doctors I spoke with still have not even heard of the endocannabinoid system! So I printed out some info and gave it to a few. One would think in an industry that "claims" to be passionate about health and healing this topic would be amplified within the community but is still mostly pushed aside and met with scorn despite the myriad of testimonials and scientific research.

The best part of this product for me is the non-psychoactive aspect. You have to use a lot before getting even a slight buzz. I feel happier, more balanced and my pain level is highly decreased! Price is reasonable and have not had any negative side effects thus far but I do not use it everyday, mainly as needed. Does not effect my thought process in a negative way as well like smoking it use to for me. Even if your not in pain I suggest this product to stimulate the endocannabinoid system for homeostasis. Many people have an endocannabinoid deficiency and don’t even know due to the suppression of this data. Maybe Oprah will do a show on it one day, lol! I use a vape pen, there are other ways of taking it I have not tried, do your own research and try it to “KNOW” for “YOURSELF.” Started a playlist on the subject you can find here:

Cannabidiol (CBD) for Health and the Brain


Thursday, September 21, 2017


Excellent book Jam-packed with useful knowledge in a time of epic uncertainty, thievery and trickery!

The Art of Urban Survival with Stefan Verstappen

I never full bought into the so-called new age. Something just did not seen right about many of the teachings. However for a time I needed soft lovey-dovey teachings because of the damage I mostly inflicted upon myself and “allowed” others to inflict upon me. So, when I started my journey on this path it was people like Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dyer who helped me grasp certain understandings of spiritual concepts. Am grateful for some of those teachings however much was left out.

Particularly in regards to this dark aspect of reality many in this movement say to avoid as if it will all just disappear if we do so. Or, that your giving energy to this dark force by looking at it allowing it to grow stronger. There is a certain level of truth to this because what we do give energy to on a "consistent" basis does grow. Both on a personal and collective level. The opposite is true when we avoid what is with wishful thinking that it will just go away on its own without any actions taken. The most important actions are increasing awareness and changing how we think and eat which positively influences all other aspects of how we live.

The idea of moral relativism in particular I find to be very deceitful! If someone can convince you that slavery is "just relative", guess what? You are a good little slave! One will hardly even question anything if it is all just relative so use discernment in any teaching because many are filled with truth mixed with lies. The fact is that there are many horrific things occurring on this lovely planet that do “require our attention” and being prepared for circumstances like the ones highlighted in this book is a great place to start. Yes, be kind, be cool, be love to the best of your ability but also be ready for the worst case scenarios that are unfolding in our current “WHAT IS” in reality.

I ended one of my videos on global consciousness with an Allan Watts quote below:

Yes and no! For how can one truly love their slavery while watching it increase as we suffer more and more? How can one love all of the things we know are corrupting and limiting the sentient experience? Even though love and hate are polar opposites of the same expression, a balance is required to have peace. The persistent extremity of either creates excessive imbalance causing internal and external conflict ultimately decreasing health and overall well being. Equanimity and being prepared holds the key! Would also be wary of any teachers mainly focused on either extremity not including both. There are a lot of teachers who will quote Jiddu Krishnamurti saying it is no good measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society who appear to be very well adjusted to it!Or those who will tell you how bad advertisers are yet participate in advertising on their channel.

Monday, September 18, 2017

To Flat Earth Enthusiast

First off I want to say that I do not fully disagree with flat earth theory. The earth in a sense is both flat and spherical depending on where your at. We are in a multi-dimensional universe. On the ground it appears flat, from space otherwise. Reality is even much more than this. Perhaps one day we will know the full truth to this topic but people are free to argue, separate and fight over it for as long AS THEY CHOOSE. Personally, I suggest spending your valuable time learning about the mind and heart, exploring consciousness along with how the body functions while doing what you can to live a more peaceful healthy life. The chances of people shifting behavior in a more positive manner is slim even if the government were to come out and state the earth is flat.Time will tell.

I know many flat earthers are excellent people concerned with truth but have noticed they do not want much to do with anyone with different beliefs or opinions. Like many online at the moment who speak of unity, love, acceptance yet run away like a thief getting caught in the middle of a robbery when presented with information that contradicts their opinion or beliefs. We will never have peace, love or unity if we CHOOSE to only surround ourselves with others who completely agree with everything we say and believe. Same thing is going on in the Occult, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Pagan, Wictch, Scientific and many other communities. It is a trap that I still fall into occasionally. I am not certain what it is going to take to put our differences aside to focus on the real issues tainting society but it all starts with awareness. Our collective focus is hardly existent at the moment. Then again, most people are still unaware that we can alter reality through a mass collective focus.

If there is any flat earther who can explain to me how it is possible to be in a 3D reality while also living in a flat earth 2D reality it would be greatly appreciated. I truly seek to know, thanks. 


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Puff & Pass Session With Jeff Sessions

The other day I had a puff and pass session with Jeff Sessions.

We, philosophized about life, ultimate unknown and unanswered questions.

Was my opportunity to know, what it felt like to have no soul.
To pick the brain of a real psycho!

I asked, “what did you mean by pot smokers are bad people?”

As he spoke his nose started to grow!

He said, “I will answer after this drink, cigarette and line of blow!

With every shot of whisky, he opened up so slowly.

Started telling me about his childhood and how he was, lonely!

How they locked him in a room for 20hrs a day...with Refer Madness movie on replay!

For months at a time on a cold floor with no clothes.

Reruns of Oprah and no cell phone!

Microwaved McDonald's chicken nuggets 3 times a day without sauce sipping on Budweiser!
Every twenty minutes intravenously fed products from Pfizer!

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
Then he put his hands out like he was holding a steering wheel and started steering!

All of a sudden Nancy Reagan busted in and he started to grin!

They locked eyes like lost lovers separated by decades!
They, took off their cloths and started to dance wildly.
They, pulled off their piss infested diapers and jumped up and down.
Yelling and screaming in hysteria swinging diapers all around!
Out of their asses pulled a red nose made for clowns!
Put it on their nose and continued jumping up and down!

The room got smelly, all I wanted to do was leave! 
As I started to grieve!

Nancy said, “please don’t go you should know my real name is Steve!”
I had to stay because this was something nobody would believe!

They started to scissor then switched to 69!
In between Hannibal Lecter orgasms sips of wine!

They said, “come join us so you can pass some time!”

I said, “no thank you and she started to cry!”

I said, “all I really wanted to know is why you hate Cannabis smokers?”
Why the war on drugs instead of a war on ignorance?
Why jail the sick, why not help instead?

Minutes passed in silence that felt like hours...
They stood up straight like Al Roker live TV Mk Ultra trigger word moment!
Started to, do the robot, shit was getting creepy!
They, started to talk then they started to get sleepy.
Now it was obvious, behind me was a TV!

When they awoke the conversation turned grim!

“It’s not that we hate drug users but we have to listen to him!”

Pointed to a branding on their butts that said, Jim!

Is that your handler?

“Yes” as they frowned:(

This is when they started pissing on the ground!

Do a line of blow with us it will make you feel better!

I just said "NO!"

Then Jim busted in wearing a Freddy Krueger sweater!

With whip in hand took control of the situation!

He said, “Nancy and Jeff...its time for a perminate vacation!”

Your no longer needed, replacement clones are almost ready!

The Queen of England walked in and started serving over cooked spaghetti!

She looked me dead in the eye, shape shifted and said, “son, your just not ready!”


Say Cheese!

To be continued:

Conversations with Jim part 2.

Note: No corrupt mind controlled sell out politicians were harmed during the writing of this poem! This is purely a work of comedic fiction and a attempt to release energy and keep sane during a time of epic human slavery, coercion and mind control while the masses hardly notice, thank you for reading, peace.

Monday, September 11, 2017


Twin Towers-the Pentagon devoured by airplane showers!
Buildings collapse like cut flowers!

Death…destruction now, and in the final hours!

When will we learn???
Sentient beings listen...but CHOOSE to burn!

Hard to hear the truth when we are so divided.
Seems to me a loop of ignorance that’s coincided...

Something clever about how we don’t come together!

Dust clouds and concrete, broken hearts-hands and feet!
Scattered on the grounds of New York streets!

Silence in the air…this is a first.
Souls beware, run-don’t stop and stare!

People, prepare for anything and everything!
Life can be unfair, when you speak the truth!

Hard to care when unable to see, how we are constantly - strangled by an invisible noose!

Why do so many people have to die before we learn about the lie?
Even when we learn, what happens to the concern?

We must recognize the knowledge that we lack.
Take the knowledge and humanity back before the next attack that will lead to an even more deadly counter react!

They want us to live in terror!
The terror-era of capitalistic mind controlled endeavors!

Change requires sacrifice and "limiting" yourself from every vice.
Before you spend…THINK TWICE!

Hit em in the wallet!
That’s how you stop it!

911 was just a stop-pit!

The bombs will continue to hit!
The bombs will continue to hit!
The bombs will continue to hit!

The bombs can’t quit!
Same old shit!

False evidence concluding weapons of mass destruction-to legitimize ILLEGAL WAR, self-destruction!

Then we are wrong and idiots for being upset and asking legit questions!
Spin-masters not able to deny what the camera cannot hide!

Saddam deserved to be eliminated.
The way American politics went about the issue can be debated!

Terrorism takes many forms.
Most terrorist hide behind closed doors!
Blending in with society...creating and manipulating things that should not be!

In America terrorist take the form of false prophets!
Energy parasites surviving off the fear frequencies of heart, body, mind and wallets!
Molesting children-draining blood!

They don't like PIZZA THAT IS NOT FRESH!
Obsessed with flesh, the illusion of control and innocence! 
Using the tears of a billion dead babies as perfume! 
Body parts for toys!

Television is more powerful than fat man and little boy!

Only difference is the MIND THEY DESTROY!

Foreign terrorist build bombs, internal terrorist build 5G networks to penetrate homes!

Kings and queens build thrones!

Psychotic malnutrition mentally unstable mores set in stone!

Be careful who you clone!


Started writing this shortly after the attack and added to it as time went on. My heart still goes out to all who suffered and still have not found closure. Let us not forget this until justice is served and closure has come. Let us send love to those still suffering and the criminally insane, who for whatever reason just do not seem to understand or are not able to feel the connection and love that exist within this reality.

Friday, August 25, 2017


Mark Christopher - Meet The Real Matrix Morpheus Of Today/Tricks And Traps Part 1



Part 2



Part 3

Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Message to Doctor Order Followers, Law Makers, Pharmacudical Industry, Scientist & Lobbyist

Many involved in the current healthcare system are in more denial than "ORDER FOLLOWERS" in Nuremberg trials! I am being guided to share this message to all of those just following orders in our current system without any thought of the moral consequences and damage done. You know who you are!

How easily we forget past tragedies! This particular event is still in our current and recent history yet many are either unaware, remain silent or in ignorance about it. Have been told we may see another type of Nuremberg trial in our lifetime if order followers continue to act blindly! Particularly those in the medical industry. Compare the number of deaths during this war to the needless amounts of pain, suffering and death caused by the FDA, pharmaceutical industry, medical industry and those who willfully “COMPLY” with it!

The doctors prescribing these pills, the lobbyist/legal bribery experts who pay for approval of these drugs and all those in the system itself who promote and do nothing to stop this horror are responsible and will have to one day be held accountable! Doctors in Illinois who refuse to help patients fill out a simple form to begin the applications process for medical cannabis and so forth. Those who do nothing to reverse immoral laws such as federalist who continue to keep cannabis illegal and classified as a controlled substance. Those who create ‘INSANE” laws that make it illegal for doctors to recommend natural raw food as medicine even though the Hippocratic foundation of medicine is built upon “RAW NATURE” and food, not synthetics. Many more examples but I will keep this short.

You are being encouraged to think about what you are doing and the consequences of your actions not only to the public, but yourself and families. Do not be at the “CAUSE” of ignorance but rather the “EFFECT” of right moral doing upon the human family. It is not too late if we begin to see the errors in our actions and do what we can to correct them. Your “CHOICES” do matter, “CHOOSE RIGHT ACTION!” Remember, “I WAS JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS AND COMPLYING WITH THE LAW” will not be a reasonable excuse (just as in this trial) and you will be found guilty! So, now that you know, the CHOICE is yours, the ball is in your court, what are you going to do??? Doctors have a lot of power, “UNITE” and use that power to take a stand against this type of ignorance and corruption! Or, continue participating in ignorance while capitalizing on trying to treat symptoms while doing harm. Be remembered as a hero, not a villain!

Documentary_Nuremberg Goerings Last Stand

Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right 

The "purposeful" suppression of healing technology is also grounds for guilt and will not escape the effect of the cause! "No sentient being" escapes natural law!

"The only cancer Rife could not seem to kill is greed!"

Friday, August 11, 2017

What The Health Film & My Physical Healing From Type II Diabetes

Starting to wonder about Joe Rogan! I did finally get around to watching the film “What The Health” and can speak from my personal experience over the last few years and now over ten months free from flesh this film is speaking the truth!

Will upload pictures of my changes when I am done accomplishing my goals. Have nearly reversed type II diabetes caused from taking seroquel brought to us by the scientism psychopaths @ astra zeneca for a sleeping disorder I use to have and am currently insulin free! Will also be uploading my blood work results for people to see.

Was more to it than quitting flesh and will tell the entire tale once I am ready.

There is a great book called “Medical Medium” by Anthony William I highly recommend.

Also, “Stop The Medicine” by Cynthia Foster MD.

From Medical Medium:

A poem I wrote About Aztra Zeneca:

Thursday, August 10, 2017

My Google Glasses Are Broke!!! GOOGLE CENSORSHIP

“He who controls the line/narrative influences public intention and focus thereby effecting collective and individual reality/perception. Ultimately influencing and controlling the current paradigm/zeitgeist.”

I ended my last blog entitled “NASA, SCIENTISM & TRUST, My Recent Visit To The Adler Planetarium In Chicago” with this final thought. Will add, they don’t gotta burn the books they just remove em! In the past, Religion extremist mostly did this, now it is scientism, corporate executives and other forms of extremist who wish to control the line/perception of reality through the lens of filtered google glasses controlling the narrative through what they deem factual or wish you to believe is factual!    

I could not have been provided with a better synchronistic example of this at the moment. Thank you source:)                

Personally, I think they are doing a test run to see how quickly this info gets out, to who it is getting out and who is sharing it to device a strategy and make decisions in how to accomplish this strategy or "ABANDON IT." To a certain level I find this very irritating on another level I feel much sadness for these individuals. Most people who behave in this manner have either never had or have completely lost their connection to source, one another and nature. Will be lighting some candles and sending thoughts and emotions of love for their awakening and healing.

Also see this as a sign of desperation, it means the truth is getting out about all the lies and corruption and now feel they MUST resort to creating rules to LIMIT this knowledge. Instead of “admitting wrong, apologizing, changing their behavior and embrace truth” they run from it in denial and fear! Will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

If anyone responsible for making big decisions for google stumbles upon this you might want to reconsider your plan if you have any consciousness and heart left within you. Think about cause and effect, and what the effect of your cause will be to yourself and family. Think about the big picture and what kind of world your children will be growing up in. Know that you have the power to influence the future, how will you use that power? Know that what you do to others you do to yourself. Know that your legacy will go down in history including the names of your families and all involved. How do you want to be remembered?

No matter what they do at this point in history to limit information all they can really do is slow down progress a bit. “IT IS COMING OUT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!” I suggest embracing it while you still have some time to enjoy it and be of help to society. There is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it!

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away."

Bill Hicks Censorship Documentary

Friday, August 4, 2017

NASA, SCIENTISM & TRUST, My Recent Visit To The Adler Planetarium In Chicago

It has been over 20 years since I have visited the Adler Planetarium and recently went back to check it out.

 As I was exploring I had the sensation that I was in some type of propaganda museum. There was a short time in which I accepted much of what was fed to us growing up in the Chicago public school system and even in the university I attended. Many teachers did not like me much because I asked the hard questions that required multiple perspectives to begin answering and they preferred answers in black or white in which some are. Mathematics mainly but even numbers can be abstract depending on interpretation and agenda. I pissed one teacher off so much that even when I was on the news and in the Chicago Sun Times paper for a study I did on theft and public honesty he gave me a B instead of a A! At that point I knew the university was a joke anyway so it did not bother me much.

A lot has changed in my life and mind since my last visit. Looking at the data presented in this museum after studying flat earth theory, propaganda, mind control techniques and conspiracy theories of the false moon landing most definitely had an impact upon how I was interpreting the presentation of so-called facts. Could not help thinking, “what if most of this is a lie?” “An elaborate ruse that even the most prolific stage illusionist could admire!” How could we know for certain if this is true or false?

If we factor in the fact that much of mainstream corporate/government sponsored science/SCIENTISM is supported by known criminals and psychopaths, how can we trust the data presented? This is ultimately what these organization want us to do...TRUST! Would you trust Al Capone with health advice? Maybe if you were part of his crew and on his good side! Do you really trust Neil De Grasse Tyson and Bill Nye? The only way they can gain the trust of the public these days is through propaganda and mind control! Apparently the techniques are still working very well.

Personally, I have much admiration and respect for science. Could not be typing these words on this amazing computer device if not for the calculations, creativity and measurements of science. However, from what I can gather at the moment it appears that much of mainstream science has been hijacked by people with very bad intentions. Some say the road to hell is full of good intentions. Well, If the choice is between good and bad intention I choose good intentions, however bad intentions sometimes turn out good and vice versa. Perhaps the good that will come out of our current bad is awareness.

When I look around any environment I am in I see the physical manifestation of INVISIBLE thoughts and intentions. What science cannot currently measure. Results/effects of the invisible realm of IMAGINATION, trial and error. This observation has influenced my current conclusion that the invisible realm is just as real as what we call physical reality. For, any invention to take physical shape and form started in the invisible imaginary realm of thought and intention made manifest through creativity, physical effort, trial and error. Yet, those in the religion of scientism frown upon these things and scorn people who choose to live in those realms as delusionary/mentaly ill. Some are perhaps if it limits your functionality in the so-called real world and causes your life to be full of sadness. They love these types of folks if they can use those imaginary creative thought skills to build weapons of mass destruction however! The MAD GENIUS!       

If you want to twist the mind of any scientism follower in regards to reality ask them this. Was the airplane real when it was in the minds of the creator before physical manifestation? Of course the answer is in how we define reality. To many scientism followers reality is a repeated consistent measurement and we know through the electromagnetic spectrum there is much more to what we think of as reality that may never be measurable. If we cannot properly define reality, how can we possibly be certain if what we do not persistently see and cannot measure is indeed not real? There is a language created for those who can see and feel more of the spectrum you can find in the scientific BIBLE called the DSM. They have even created, through science, a plethora of harmful medications to help those suffering from such so-called delusions!

There is a huge schism occurring at the moment. Particularly with those who are waking up and discovering the narrative we have been fed is not as credible as once believed. Not only within science but all narratives, particularly HIS STORY. The loss of credibility is a good thing for the masses. It is the beginning of the crumbling of ignorance and lies! The destruction of mental prisons purposefully created as a tool/weapon for control!

There is indeed a very thin line between fantasy and reality. A line that intersects from time to time creating newer versions of reality. They are one in the same, part of the rhythmic dance of creation, manifestation, life and death. One is not better than the other, both are necessary for the birth of new intentions. He who controls the line/narrative influences public intention and focus thereby effecting collective and individual reality/perception. Ultimately influencing and controlling the current paradigm/zeitgeist.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Kinship With All Life

Alan Watts recommends this book in his lecture The Value Of A Psychotic Experience. Now that I am mainly focusing on Hermetics and alchemy I found it interesting that this is what the author is attempting to explain in his simplistic nearly poetic style of writing. Excellent, short, simple book based on his real life experience attempting to understand the mental connection between humans, animals and insects.

Strongheart - The Dog In The First Story Of The Book

Alan Watts - The Value Of A Psychotic Experience

Saturday, July 22, 2017


I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders!
Bigger than the most imaginable largest boulder!
Increasing in mass and weight as I get older!

So many things stress me!
The current state of society, lack of trust, fear, loyalty and honesty, surviving off little money!

It’s like there is always a invisible gun pointed at me!
Sniper scope killing my hope!
Adding to my addictions of alcohol and dope!

Sometimes in this life I cannot cope…contemplating suicide by rope!

Perhaps one day I will be able to forgive...

The boulder will crumble...and I will live life…live!!!

Wrote this during one of my state funded nurture in-patient hospitalizations. Have not thought much about this time in my life until the recent Linkin Park event. If indeed suicide it was...

Brought back all kinds of memories and emotions so I wanted to share this for those who are currently suffering to let you know there is a way out, DO NOT GIVE UP! 

There are options, perhaps not the options you want at the moment but options none the less. YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE VALUABLE, YOU ARE WORTHY, YOU ARE IMPORTANT, YOU ARE NEEDED...THANK YOU FOR BEING BORN!

Feel free to contact me if you need help!

Watch this before you do anything 




Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Infinitely Finite

Limitless like cosmic water, yet finite!

Not meaning to be mean wasn’t meant to be meaningful.

Your persistent pursuit of pessimism prevents you from exploring infinite possible possibilities you claim impossible!

Limiting the limitless infinite nebulous shackled to a tree that won’t grow!

The rebirth of death
The falling sky
The truth...within lie

Other aspects say yes
I say Apophasis!

Changing while staying the same

Symbolic representation of words paint pictures of linear abstract opposites attracting gravitational truths that cannot be spoken!

Remaining closed, yet open!

At the cause of causality, consequently in the PRESENCE of OMNI!

Trying to understand, why the evil in your left hand feels right!

Simultaneous simulation similarities in the singularity signatures signed...glory!

Determined to be deterministic-wholly unholy-unbalanced perfectly-entirely tired indeed!

Unable to see...intuitively

Blinded by foresight!
lost in a forest of kryptonite!

Subliminally submissive
Cohesively coercive

Infinitely finite in thought and belief!

Specifically non-specific when you speak!

Purposefully on purpose when you tweet!

Uniquely un-unique

Prime time primitive past times rewind!

Mesmerized by mystical mental masturbated memories to kill the time...

In the cell on the cell phone searching simultaneous similarities on TV

Phoning home like E.T.

Came to come through circumcised situations!
CUMMING closer to the meaning!

Every word is a contradicting contract
Every sound a silent gesture of gestation
Every touch a taste of triumphance
Every visual versatile void of vexation

Spoliated spores of spontaneous suspicions

Perfectly positioned pineapples

Partially placed parallel next to Pringles

...Pursuant to C

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Invisible Cell/Sell

Invisible your head!
Fell to the yell…souls dead!

They creep and crawl into our psyche...
...Bamboozled by bargains and propaganda profanity!

Think we are free because of the illusion of choice and fake currency!

Ignorance accelerated like subatomic CERN particle collider reality!
Electromagnetically speaking!

In love with the latest-this-and that.
We tango with shopping malls…let our cars drive us crazy…indulge in televisions false hopes…become fat and lazy!

Boils down to a sad lost society.
Asses in the air...head buried in the sand...on hands and knees!


Distracted, busy “getting high” on ego to realize we act like copycats.
Blinded by a "fat man and little boy" military precision styled false corrupted wisdom!

Adopted by greed and competition!
Lent out to strangers with bad intentions!


We allow this cycle to repeat.
This cycle of defeat!


This is a world where perverted language has little value!

A country of fluoridated rusty water wells with food that screams and skies that cry!

A matrix in which fear dominates!

In a time of lost hope, and jail time for dope!

If this ain’t Pace Picante dip…get a rope!

I wrote this a long time ago and recently edited it to reflect some of the current themes unfolding. I share this not to encourage pessimism of the current “WHAT IS” scenario but to encourage creative expression in order to release it. There is always a flipside to the negative dark aspects of what we think of as reality. Running from and denying it does not help the situation. Only keeps energy stagnate manifesting into physical and mental disharmony.